Unknown Evil

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Sorry about the late update. I've been working a lot recently and I've been trying to update my other fanfictions.

I was born from the purest darkness thousands of years ago. I am known by no one. I have traveled from dimension to dimension bringing a great evil everywhere I go. I created a snake that with one bite could make even the purest of hearts evil. I have turned a good wizard evil and gave him the power to turn others evil as well.

Now, there is a prophecy. It is said that the greatest evil known to Knighton will be defeated by a wizard-knight. I never knew what it meant until I met Wanda Moorington.

She studied the legend along with Monstrox. Both believed in the legend so I put a stop to it. I turned Monstrox evil when eventually turned Wanda evil.

However, she gave birth to a young boy named Clay Moorington and his father was a knight. It was then I knew that the legend meant that that boy would defeat me in the future.

Wanda was smart. She hid herself and Clay from everyone including her brother, Merlok.

However, she turned evil when Clay turned five and she and Clay disappeared for over 13 years. I have searched for them for years and I found nothing. I even searched in different dimensions for them and I found nothing. But now I found him and the best part is, he's not with his mother and is in plain sight.

The Knights and Merlok will be troublesome but I am not worried. They are all fools. They have only been lucky to be able to defeat Monstrox twice. But they won't be able to defeat me.

If I can get Clay alone and trick him then his magic will be mine. I just need to absorb it and I will truly become the most powerful wizard in the whole universe.

He would have been mine sooner if his mother didn't hide him from me and if Merlok didn't turn him and his mother to stone.

Now that his mother is gone, he is vulnerable to anything. Including deception. I just need to get him alone or better yet, make him think that the knights can't be trusted.

In the Fortrex

Since Clay came onto the Fortrex, he's been getting healthier. He had a fever a few days ago but his magic kicked in and healed him quickly. He was wary of the Knights at first but now he trusted them along with Jestro, Robin, and Ava.

Still, he was afraid that his mother would never be found or he would be found by the wizard that turned him and his mother to stone. 'Where is everyone? I'm bored.' Clay was sent to his room to take a nap but he couldn't sleep and it wasn't time for him to take a nap.

Clay didn't know what to do. He didn't feel like coloring in the coloring books. Nor playing with his LEGO's. "What should I do while I'm waiting for the Knights to come back?" He asked his stuffed eagle. "...Maybe you should see what they are doing..."

Clay gasped. He never expected his friend to talk back. "Are you alive?" He asked in wonder and amazement. "In a way. I'm your friend and friends trust each other, right?" Clay nodded. "Of course, but won't the Knights be upset if I spy on them?"

"Possibly but as your friend, I want to help you and I can tell that they are keeping secrets from you. You deserve the truth!" Clay thought to himself for a moment then nodded. "Okay, but how will I get to where they are meeting without them noticing me?"

"...an invisibility spell should do the trick, no one will be able to see you but you must be extremely quiet because they will still be able to hear you..." Clay nodded then asked, "I don't know an invisibility spell. I'm still learning how to use my own magic."

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