Rescuing Clay!

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As the Fortrex was going to Clay's location, Ruina was finishing the final touches of the spell to disguise her, Jestro, and Robin as evil beings to save Clay, and Aaron was finishing up the final touches to his plan.

"Okay, so we are going to be waiting in the side while you, Robin, and Jestro distract Darkstar?" Macy asked.

"Yes, Robin will get Clay and bring him to the Fortrex. I can protect myself and Jestro but you must save Clay. The full moon will be at its highest peak soon. Stay here and do not do anything. If anything goes wrong, then we all will lose and my son could lose his life." Everyone nodded in understanding. 

"Okay, you guys go. We'll wait here," Aaron told them. 

Wanda prepared her magic and cast a spell on herself, Jestro, and Robin to disguise them as still evil beings to gain Darkstar's trust. "We'll be back." Then the three left with hopes to save Clay and bring him home.

Wanda teleported herself, Jestro, and Robin to Clay's and Darkstar's location. "Okay, Robin, once we have Darkstar distracted long enough, you go find Clay and get him out of here." She handed him a piece of paper. "Once you have Clay, recite this spell and it will teleport the both of you out of here." Robin nodded in understanding. "Okay." Once they established the plan, the three walked up to Darkstar's lair.

She opened the door without hesitation and they all heard Darkstar's voice. "Well, well. What are you doing here, Wanda?"

She smirked and said, "That is not my name. If you recall, you infected Monstrox with evil who in turn, infected me with evil. Call me, Ruina Stoneheart. This is Jestro, who I managed to turn evil once more and this is our minion, Night Blade. We've heard about your plan to drain my son of his magic."

Darkstar's hands started to glow red as he said, "So, you're here to take him?"

"Quite the opposite actually. We are here to work with you, not for, but with."

He didn't stop the dark magic coming from his hand but asked, "Why? He's your child and even I know that you felt his fear."

"My son's magic is more powerful than any of us. Even you. We want to revive Monstrox. Once you finish with him, give him to me so I can revive the master."

The red glow disappeared from Darkstar's hand. "Fine. Monstrox is a worthy partner. I will have use for his magic here. Besides, I don't need all of Clay's magic. I just need enough to make myself more powerful. There should be enough for him and you to work together to cast a spell to bring Monstrox back to life." 

Wanda nearly flinched but fought back. The only thing on her mind was saving Clay. Now that she and Jestro had Darkstar's trust, Robin could do his job and save Clay. She tapped the ground twice with her staff, giving Robin the signal to go get Clay.

Robin snuck away with the spell in his pocket. He knew that from what Wanda told him. Clay was sleeping and if he woke up, to remind him of who he was. He quietly looked around the lair that they were in. He was grateful that the lair wasn't very big so finding Clay would hopefully be easy.

He was soon proven to be correct. He found a small room was behind a row of bars with a mattress on the floor and Clay was on it. He was asleep but Robin could see the tear stains on his eyes. "Clay. Clay, wake up!" Robin whispered loudly. He wanted Clay to wake up but all Clay did was shuffle in his sleep. "Clay!"

Clay tiredly opened his eyes as if he just woke up from a long nap. Once he remembered where he was, he jumped up, went against the wall, and closed his eyes tightly. "Leave me alone!"

"Clay, it's okay. It's me. Robin." 

Clay slowly opened his eyes and saw him but quickly closed them again. "No. Robin is with the knights and you don't look like him."

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