Time to Rest (For Now)

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Once the red moon disappeared, Merlok breathed more easily. Clay was safe. His magic was safe but he knew they weren't in the clear yet. Darkstar could still come after them. 

"The red moon is gone. Now what?" Aaron asked. 

"We must find a secure place to keep Clay until Darkstar is defeated."

"What about the castle? We have a ton of knights and you and Wanda can put defensive spells on the castle to keep Darkstar out."

"I don't know. Even our magic has its limits. We may be able to use a spell on the castle to keep Darkstar out like with the Fortrex but Darkstar could figure out a way to get inside. We must speak to Wanda about this. For now, head for the castle. We will keep him in the library until we can figure out a plan."

The Knights returned to the library along with Jestro and Wanda to make a new plan, but first, Wanda put Clay to bed in a protective room. It had been a long day for him and he needed to sleep but also, he needed to see his mother, since the two haven't seen each other in a long time.

"Good night, my shining eagle."

"Good night, mommy." Clay fell asleep quickly. Wanda smiled then kissed Clay on his forehead. Wanda stayed and watched Clay sleep for several minutes. She hadn't seen him in over a year and she wasn't surprised to see that he grew a lot. 'Oh Clay. I'm so sorry. I should have told Merlok about you all those years ago. Maybe we could have avoided all this.'

Wanda felt guilty about all this. She could feel Clay's fear even when she was Ruina Stoneheart but she didn't care. She's glad that the other knights took care of him but for one year, he was alone and scared. He was lucky that his magic protected him. He must have practiced a lot, but it was also bad. Clay's lucky he didn't hurt anyone. His magic is more powerful than anyone witch or wizard that she's ever met, without the proper training, Clay could hurt someone and even then Darkstar is still a threat.

'Maybe, Clay and I need to leave or at least hide until he's old enough to stop Darkstar.' 

After another few minutes, Wanda left Clay. She put a spell on the door which only allowed her and the knights to enter the room. Clay wasn't allowed to leave without someone by his side. She also put a spell on him that gave him good dreams, he had a bad day and that often leads to nightmares. Then she left to discuss with Merlok what she thought that she must do to protect her son.

With Merlok

"What are we going to do now? Even though we saved Clay from getting his magic drained, that doesn't mean Darkstar won't stop at trying to get Clay," Macy told him.

"Yeah, we can't keep Clay in the castle forever. "

"No, which is why I think Clay and I must leave." Everyone turned to Wanda who entered the library. 

"Wanda, I think that's a mistake. Darkstar has proven to be a formidable opponent.  He could kill you and Clay. I already lost you and Clay once, I can't lose you two again."

"Well, what do any of you suggest? Even though the Blood Moon is gone, Darkstar will not stop at preventing the prophecy from coming true. He will not stop coming after Clay."

"What does the prophecy say? You've mentioned it several times but you haven't gone into much detail about it. All you said was something about a wizard with the blood of a knight or a knight with the blood of a wizard," Aaron said.

"It has been a while but the prophecy states that the child of a wizard with the blood of a knight will have the most powerful magic in his veins. He will rise up and defeat the evilest wizard of all time."

"That's it? Did it say how old he would be?" Macy asked.

"No. Most of it was destroyed when Monstrox and I were studying it but from what we were able to decipher, that is what it said. The child of a wizard and a knight would have the most powerful magic and would stop the evilest thing alive. It didn't say how old they would be."

"How about we get some sleep? It's three in the morning and I don't know about you all, but I need my beauty sleep," Lance told them.

"Lance is right. I don't about the beauty sleep part, but it's been a long night. Maybe we should all get some sleep. We can make a plan later. We all need some sleep," Aaron said as they all looked at Axl, Ava, Robin, and Jestro who were passed out on the floor.

"I agree. We all need some shut-eye. Wanda, I know you want to keep Clay safe, but we can't do anything when we're out of energy."

"You're right, Merlok. I hate it, but you're right. Since Clay's room has an adjoining bedroom, I'm going to sleep in that one." Then Wanda left along with the other knights, who woke up the others and they left as well to get some sleep.

Outside Knighton

Darkstar looked at the castle. He could feel the protected force field around the castle. He couldn't enter it even with permission from a citizen and knowing Wanda, she probably told the Knights all about his magic and how he can transform into pretty much anyone. He was frustrated with the situation, he needed to kidnap Clay and put him somewhere where magic doesn't exist, the only problem with that was every dimension had magic in some way shape, or form. 'How am I going to do this? Monstrox is gone and I refuse to accept that a brat is going to defeat me. No matter, they will leave the castle eventually, and once Clay is out, he'll be mine for the taking.'

Okay, so I've been really busy these past few months with school and the pandemic isn't helping. All my classes are online and they are fairly hard so not much time to think about fanfiction. But it's a holiday in America so I got some time. Anyway, I am fine, in case y'all were worried. I'm working on the next chapter to the NEXO Knights: Power Rangers but since I'm making it up, it will take me a while. Thanks for reading. Bye! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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