Making a Plan to Save Clay

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Everyone had returned to the Fortrex quickly and Aaron explained what happened in the forest with him and Jestro. "So, an evil entity disguised as Jestro took Clay and has evil plans for him?" Merlok asked hoping that Aaron was wrong and Clay just teleported away from them.

Aaron sadly shook his head. "No, some evil dude was disguised as Jestro and kidnapped Clay!"

"It's true! I saw the whole thing!"

"Who is this guy and what does he want with Clay?" Axl asked.

"I can tell you." Everyone turned to see a brown-haired woman with black circles around her eyes and some extended into lightning bolt shapes. "But I will have to start from the beginning."

With the Evil Entity and Clay

I have finally done it. I have captured the most powerful wizard knight in all of Knighton. I look down at a sleeping Clay who had tear stains down his eyes. It was starting to get annoying with him crying and wanting his mother or the NEXO Knights. I need to absorb his magic but I can't until the full moon tonight. I've waited nearly 13 years for this moment. I can wait a few more hours.

Back in the Fortrex

Everyone stared at the woman in shock until Merlok said with happy tears in his eyes, "Wanda?" The woman nodded. "Yes, I have been cured of Monstrox's evil."

"Wait, you're Clay's mother?" Macy asked. Wanda nodded. "Yes, I am sure you all have questions but now is not the time to answer them. Right now, I must explain who kidnapped my son and why he wants him."

Everyone gathered around Wanda as she started her tale.

 "Before Monstrox turned evil," Wanda slammed her wand on the ground to show Monstrox before he became who he is today. "He was a kind, gentle soul who was always trying to do the right thing. Monstrox, Merlok, and I were all friends, best friends to be exact. We were inseparable." Her magic showed the three friends casting spells, making potions, and having fun as friends do. "One day, Monstrox and I wanted to look deeper into forgotten legends. We searched for months until we found a legend called, "The Legend of the Wizard Knight"."

"What's a "Wizard Knight"?" Lance asked. 

"If you be quiet, then I will tell you," Wanda told him with a mischievous smirk. 'That's Wanda, her threats were not ones to be messed with.'

"Back to the story." Wanda once again used her magic to tell her story. "This legend states that a child born of wizard blood and knight blood will stop the greatest evil of all time. Monstrox and I didn't know what this meant until I became pregnant with Clay."

"Clay's father was a knight?" Macy asked. 

"Yes, he died many years ago. Way before I knew that I was pregnant with Clay but after I found out, I told Monstrox and that's when the two of us realized that my baby was going to be the one who defeats a great evil, so we kept it a secret. I found a spell to hide it so no one would suspect anything. The fewer people who knew about my pregnancy the better."

"So, you hid Clay's birth from me?" Merlok asked sadly. Wanda sadly nodded. "Yes. I did it to protect Clay." Merlok nodded. "Yes, it does explain why wouldn't go on destructive battles and were gone for several months."

"So, what happened to Monstrox if he was once a good guy?" Axl asked. Wanda sighed. "Well... let's say, even the most gentle of souls can become corrupted." Wanda used her magic to reveal the face of the figure that took Clay. He had evil red eyes and the blackest skin any of them had ever seen. This is Darkstar. An evil man who wants to spread evil in every realm possible. He is the one that Clay is destined to stop. When he found out that the legend was going to happen here, he came to kill me and Clay so we hid in the Dark Forest. I cast a spell on the forest so no one could find us. He was the one who turned Monstrox into the evil wizard we know today. Unfortunately, his evil is contagious." An image showed Wanda catching the evil influence from Monstrox and her fighting the evil now inside her.

"You caught his evil? Did Clay?" Aaron asked worried about the little dude. Wanda shook her head. "No, Clay was just four when I caught the evil virus from Monstrox but Clay was five when I was unable to fight it anymore. I took him to Dnullib to keep him safe and away from my evil but he followed me. I'm pretty sure you all know the rest." Wanda disbursed her magic after telling her tale. 

"Wanda, why does Darkstar want Clay?" Merlok asked. "Darkstar wants Clay because of his magic. As I am sure all of you have noticed, Clay's magic is powerful. His magic is so powerful, that he was able to cure the stone magic that trapped him. Darkstar needs a full moon to take Clay's magic. The full moon is tonight! If he succeeds, then nothing will stop him."

"We have to save Clayman. Wanda, where would Darkstar hid?" Wanda shook her head. "I don't know, but I can sense Clay's fear. He's currently asleep but I can still feel the fear coming from him. Together we can find him."

"All right, NEXO Knights. Let's save Clay before it's too late!" Merlok said with confidence. 

"Yes. I have a plan to save my son but it will require a disguise for me and Jestro."

"I can make hologram to disguise you both. What did you have in mind?"

"Let's just say that the two of us aren't very pleased with our past."

"Oh, dear."

"Yes... Jestro and I must look like our evil selves in order to trick Darkstar into thinking that we are still evil and that we want to help him. Robin, we need you disguised as our evil minion so you can save Clay."

"What about us?" Macy asked. "We need you to be ready to escape on Clay is on the Fortrex. You must not worry about us when you leave. I can protect myself and Jestro. What's important is saving Clay." Merlok wanted to argue with his sister but he knew that she was right. Clay's safety is what mattered most. The full moon is tonight and if they don't save Clay then all is lost.

Clay gets saved in the next chapter. Sorry for the long wait. I've had a bad case of writer's block and I was trouble deciding if I wanted Ruina back to normal or not. I intended for her return but I wasn't sure if I wanted her evil or not. Anyway, hope Y'all enjoyed this chapter. I'll be updating my NEXO Knights Power Rangers soon. I'm hoping sometime this week. See Y'all next time! Bye! :)

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