Watching Clay Day 2

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First update of 2019! Let's go!

It was Macy's turn to watch Clay today and she was a little nervous. She was an only child so she wasn't 100% sure on how to care for others much younger than herself. Her friends taught her a few things like making sure Clay had snacks, friendly kid shows, and various other items for a young child like Clay. Merlok also helped her understand Clay's magic some. She just hoped that watching Clay would be easy.

It was about 8 in the morning and it was time to wake up Clay. Macy walked into his room and shook him lightly. "Clay, it's time to wake up." Clay groaned then he opened his eyes, rose up from his bed, and rubbed his eyes. "Morning, Princess Macy." Macy cringed a little. "Clay, you can just call me, Macy."

"Okay, Macy," He said still a little groggy. Clay got out of bed and stretch a little and politely asked Macy to leave so he could get dressed. She did and told him, "If you need help, I'll be outside." Clay nodded. "Okay."

Macy went outside Clay's room and waited for him to get dressed. It took about 10 minutes but Clay walked out of his room fully dressed. "What's for breakfast, Macy?" Clay asked curiously. "I don't know. Let's see what we have in the kitchen." Clay nodded and said, "Okay."

The two walked to the kitchen silently and when they went into the kitchen it was empty. "I'm not a very good cook, Clay. How about a bowl of cereal?" She asked. "That sounds good." Macy got two bowls, the cereal, and poured herself and Clay a bowl of cereal.

After a few moments of silence, Clay asked, "Macy, are you and the other Knights going to find my mommy? I asked Axl yesterday but he didn't answer my question." Macy didn't know how to answer the question at first. She didn't even know where Ruina was. "Don't worry, Clay. I'm sure we'll find your mother."

Clay nodded seemingly satisfied with the answer. They continued to eat their breakfast in silence then Macy cleaned up and the two went to the TV room. Macy found a kid-friendly movie about a lion cub who becomes king. She turned it on and Clay seemed happy with the movie.

Macy fell asleep while watching it but she woke up to crying. She saw Clay crying when a bigger lion was laying down lifeless and the smaller lion was crying under the bigger one's paw. Macy saw a chair glowing orange and shaking hard. She quickly responded by pausing the movie and going by Clay's side and saying, "It's okay, Clay. It's just a movie." 

Her words seemed to work and Clay calmed down before his magic activated on the chair. "Macy, why did that big lion have to die?" Clay asked with tears still streaking down his face. "It's a part of the story. I know it seems bad but I promise that it will get happier." Clay sniffled and said, "Pinkie Promise?" Macy nodded. "I Pinkie Promise?" Clay smiled and said, "Okay." 

Macy sat back down and continued the movie. Clay really liked the song with the meerkat and the warthog. He got so happy that he accidentally turned a cup of water into a stuffed animal version of the lion cub. 'Okay, that's not too bad.' The movie continued to be somewhat of a rollercoaster of emotions for Clay but he seemed to enjoy the movie overall. Nothing bad happened with his magic so she called it a success. 

"I really liked that movie, Macy. What other movies do you have?" Clay asked. "Hmm. Why don't we take a break from watching TV and color?" Clay nodded happily. "Yay! I want to make a picture for my mommy." 

"Okay, wait here and I'll get some paper and crayons," Macy told him. Clay nodded then Macy left to get some supplies for Clay to color. She grabbed a box full of thousands of colors and a bunch of papers. 'Good thing we thought of getting these earlier.'

She returned with Clay playing with his new lion cub toy and smiled at the sight but also felt bad for him and his mother. The two have been frozen for 13 years and now they've been separated for about six to seven months. Clay was still young and missed his mother great and Ruina must have felt the same way even if she was evil.

"Here you go, Clay," Macy said as she handed him the paper and crayons. "Thank you, Macy." Macy walked out to get Clay a healthy snack since Merlok said that he wanted Clay to eat healthy food and to stay away from sweets until he could handle it since he lived on his own for so long. She got an apple since Axl told her that Clay loved them.

She came back and she asked, "What are you drawing, Clay?" He picked up the picture and showed her. "It's me and Mommy holding hands. Do you think she'll like it?" Clay asked. "She'll love it." Clay smiled and said, "Thanks, Macy." Macy handed Clay the apple and he ate it happily.

The rest of the day went well for her considering she has no experience watching kids and not having siblings. Axl helped her make him lunch then Clay took a nap. At dinner, Clay had the opportunity to meet everyone on the Fortrex besides Merlok. It helped that everyone was a knight or some form of a knight so Clay did trust them to a degree.

Macy took Clay to bed and he happily fell asleep with his new lion toy. As he slept she saw the small lion cup change to an eagle. She then turned off the light and left him alone. 

When Clay was fully asleep, the knight met and Macy talked about everything that happened with Clay. Most of what Macy told him confirmed his suspension, Clay's magic is extremely powerful. Much more powerful than his own and even Wanda's but the main question is, why didn't his sister tell him about Clay? Was she protecting him from Monstrox or something even more dangerous then Monstrox?

The next few chapters are mostly Clay adjusting to life on the Fortrex. He'll get to know everyone on the Fortrex. I start school next week so updates will be slower on all stories. Thanks for reading! See Y'all next time! Bye! :)

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