Learning About Clay

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Merlok has seen a lot of things in his life both good and bad but he never expected to see his nephew again. Aaron explained everything that happened in Dnullib from learning about the thief and finding his home. Clay looked awful. He was thin as a stick, he was wearing raggedy clothing, and he looked as sick as a dog and positively exhausted.

"Take him to the spare bedroom. Keep him there and keep all cameras on him. We need to watch him at all costs," Merlok told them. Everyone nodded. Axl and Macy took him to the spare bedroom while Ava and Robin kept all cameras on him. "Merlok, do you know him? He can use magic. I thought you needed a wand to use magic?" Merlok sighed sadly. "I do know him. I want everyone to meet me in the training room so I can further explain."

In the Training Room

Everyone was in the training room while Ava was getting Merlok's memories ready for everyone to see. Merlok appeared in front of everyone and he was soon bombarded with questions. "What's going on?" "Who is that kid?" "How can he use magic without a wand?"

"Everyone calm down. I will answer all of your questions. Ava, can you get my memories ready?" Merlok asked. "Sure," Ava said as she got the memories ready. As Merlok started his explanation, various images of his past started to show. "First off, the young boy's name is Clay Moorington. He is a wizard just like me." 

"But how?" Aaron asked. Merlok sighed heavily. What he was about to explain was hard, even for him. "In case you are wondering, no, Clay is not my son. He is, however, the son of Ruina Stoneheart."

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed. "You mean that witch who kidnapped my mother, is the mother of the kid we found?!" Macy asked. "But how?! She's a stone statue that Monstrox brought to life, how can she have a kid?!" Lance asked. Merlok sighed. "Ruina Stoneheart was not always a stone statue. She was once just like you and me." An image of a woman who looked like Ruina appeared on the screen. 

"That was once Ruina?" Aaron asked. "Yes, but her name wasn't always Ruina Stoneheart, her real name is Wanda Morrington. She was once a very powerful witch was on the Magical Council with me and Monstrox but she was corrupted by Monstrox's dark magic. I tried to save her but I could not."

"Wait, if this was a years ago, how does Clay still look like a five-year-old?" Axl asked. "Wanda left Clay in Dnullib before she turned evil but what she didn't know is that Clay followed her. Clay probably wanted to help his mother by using his magic and when I subdued Ruina, I also subdued Clay along with her." Another image showed Clay clutching his mother's dress as they were both turned into stone statues. 

"I never wanted to hurt Clay or Wanda because... I am Wanda's brother." Everyone gasped. "So, Clay is your nephew?!" Axl exclaimed. "But, why didn't he try to find you? Would he have felt safe with you? How does he look human even though Monstox revived him from his stone prison?"

"Clay does not know that I am his uncle. Plus, Clay saw me attack his mother, thus in his mind, he considers me a threat. I am not sure how he looks human. Maybe he found a cure or he created a spell to cure himself. My best guess is, when Clay woke up, he wasn't affected by Monstrox's evil magic and he ran off in fear. Thus, hiding in the cave you described, stealing from Dnullib every night to survive." 

"So, Clay shouldn't even be five? How old should he be?" Macy asked. "Clay... would have been your age by now. He might have even been a NEXO Knight like all of you." Everyone now felt sad. Merlok must have felt so guilty about Clay. He froze his only nephew and Clay didn't even know Merlok was his uncle. And poor Clay, he must have been so scared and confused when he woke up. No wonder Clay didn't recognize them. Clay had no idea who they were and he probably has a hard time trusting others.

"What can we do? How can we help Clay?" Aaron asked. Merlok smiled. He knew that he could always trust the NEXO Knights and more importantly, his friends. "When Clay wakes up, he is probably going to be hungry. It would be best to get him something light to eat. Robin, Macy, I believe that the two of you are best at getting Clay to trust us." Robin and Macy nodded. "What about us, Merlok?" Aaron asked. 

"The rest of you must show Clay that he can trust us. I will only appear when Clay is not around or when he is asleep. It is very likely that Clay still considers me a threat. If I reveal myself too early, then things could get dangerous."

"How? How dangerous can a five-year-old be?" Lance asked. "Magic in a young wizard is highly unpredictable. Plus, if Clay feels that he is in danger, he could potentially signal his mother to his location. If Ruina finds Clay, then things could get worse for him. As all of you told me, you never found Ruina after the defeat of the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction, which means that she could still be out there searching for Clay or waiting for him to signal her. We must not let this happen." 

An alarm went off making everyone cover their ears. "What is that?!" Aaron asked. Robin turned off the alarm. "Sorry, that's the alarm I set in case Clay woke up." Ava turned on the camera in Clay's room and it showed Clay sitting on his bed. It was obvious that he was scared. "Robin, Macy, I want you to talk to Clay. Let him know that he is safe. The rest of you must be careful. Clay has to know that he is in a safe place where no one is going to hurt him." Everyone nodded in agreement. Clay had to feel safe besides, how hard can it be to take care of a five-year-old?

That's right. Another update in two weeks! Now, the Knights know about Clay. Will they be able to take care of him? How easy will it be to take care of him? Find out next time! Also, check out my newest NEXO Knights story, NEXO Knights Power Rangers. It's really good. Hope Y'all enjoyed this chapter. See Y'all next time! 

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