Chapter 5

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Neil was thinking about their first meeting.

Flashback ( 1 and half years ago)

Neil was posted as ACP in Delhi . After his first successful case he was much celebrated police officer there. He had a great fan following too .
Afterall he was most eligible bachelor , intelligent smart and young too..

Neil was invited as a guest in Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science (LNJN NICFS), Delhi.

He was asked to address students and test their capability. He was asked to give them a case and asked the students to solve them. The one who solve the case would be awarded a prize.

So the case was this.

A middle aged man was found dead inside his house . He was shot on right side of his head . A window was broken . Had dirty foot prints of boots inside the house .

The room was a total mess

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The room was a total mess. The body was laid in middle of the room.
In the house there are watchman, gardener and servant . All of them stayed in the outhouse . Three of them assured that none entered the house. And the CCTV footage agreed with their statement.
It was dry outside since it didn't rain for a while.
All of them are right handed persons.
Who will be the murderer as per your thoughts?

After a silence of 15 minutes suddenly a girl stood up.
" She is the best in the batch " proudly said the principal.

"Yes . Tell me your conclusion " Neil asked

"Sir , first of all this is not a murder . It's a suicide that's staged as murder. "

" hmm .. what made you think like that? "

" First of all the window is broken and no glass pieces are found on the floor inside the room , stating that nobody from outside must have entered the room.
Secondly he was shot on his right-side . If it was a murder then he'll be shot on his left side of his head( coz all the workers were right handed and they were sure none entered the house) . It was a close shot too. Reading the pattern of the blood drops from the picture he was shot in point blank too.
Thirdly, since it didn't rain for a while the mud will not be wet outside. Then how come the foot print inside house become dirty.
Therefore I conclude this as a staged suicide "

"Wow " exclaimed Neil to himself.
He was quite impressed with the girl's observations.
He observed her carefully, she was pretty tall say about a 5'5" , broad and strong fair enough wavy hair big beautiful eyes pointed noise luscious lips oval face. She looked pretty.

"Maan, there is something in this girl." Neil said to himself. Brushing away his thoughts he asked "What's your name ?"

She replied "I'm Avni Pariekh. Final year student "

"Well , that was really intelligent findings Ms. Avni . Very impressive . A big round of applause for Ms. Avni Pariekh "
She was awarded a trophy by Neil.

A week later when Neil was going back from commissioner's office to his office he saw Avni having food with some kids and playing bubbles with them in a cafe. She was smiling. He stopped his car for a while and was watching her .
Neil was hit by Cupid's arrow and his heart got wings which started flying ( Sorry guys . My romance side is really weak. Me and Avni are same in this aspect 😜)

Unknowingly an upward curve appeared on his face and then he drove back to his office.

The same week he got a call from some lady that an orphanage is being attacked by goons.
Neil and DD reached there immediately.

They were shocked to see a young lady fighting with the goons. Turning on her right leg while kicking one of goons with her left leg she was revealed to be Avni. He was impressed by this lady don .
Amazing fighting skills . He thought ..

She is intelligent, bold , beautiful and kind too. He was falling for her .

His thoughts were broken when he saw a goon coming behind her with a rod on his hand .
Before Neil could react .....................thud....... ( he he he 🤓🤓 wait for meeeeee)


So this next chapter. Hope  you liked how they met sequence. As I said my romance side is really weak. So may be I may not have met your expectations.
And regarding the case scenario there may be many loopholes. But this is what all of I cud think. Trust me afterall it's a fanfiction .
I converted a scenario of Robbery into murder and thought about the situation. and for information a person shot on head can be alive upto 6-8 minutes depending on the body conditions. ( of it rings any bell for Sherlock Holmes out there)

Precap: Flashback continues

AvNeil- Mystery murder(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now