Chapter -12

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Neelamma's POV

When I told everything about Priya I thought that Neil would be angry with me and Avni but instead he is calm and he told me that he respects us for the decision that we had taken. He accepted Priya as his own sister too just like Avni. Please God bless my kids to have their happy life. I need Priya to settle down in her life too. May God send her a perfect life partner just like Avni have one.

End of POV

Avni and Neil reaches police station. The journey to the station was silent.

In the station  DD have made all the arrangements in office for new "special " person . Other police men was also waiting to meet the new person.

On seeing Avni with Neil DD gets excited and ask

DD: Bhabhi you???

Avni : Yes DD . Why I can't come to station??

DD : No bhabhi nothing like that. Sir told someone special will come and join the team.

Avni: Can't I be the "special someone " DD?

DD: Huh??

Neil: DD meet Avni Neil Khanna. From today onwards she will be in our team to solve the case .

DD was really happy and excited to assist his sir and Bhabhi. He heartfully passed the bouquet to Avni and she received it very happily.

DD : Welcome bhabhi. It's my privilege to work with you.

Neil: guys get back to work. DD and Avni come to my cabin.

With that all policemen left to their respective tables.

In Neil's cabin
Neil- " Avni do you have any idea who must be behind this murder? "

Avni- " Neil , since the survey code is regarding the land plot in Santhi Nagar then definitely it must be someone taking revenge from the incident that happened 10 years before "

Neil - "Good catch Avni "

DD (in mind ) - Bhabhi is so smart and intelligent. No doubt Neil sir have fallen madly for her .

Neil- DD I need details of all the families and persons who have died in Santhi Nagar fire attack 10 years back.

DD: Sure sir the file will be in library. I will retrieve the data soon.

Neil: Meanwhile we will look into the murder details and try to solve the mystery.

Avni: Yeah Neil we will have to solve the mystery soon. But before that shouldn't we inform Shetty about this? I mean if our guess is right then he will definitely target Shetty .

Neil: Yeah Avni we have already send a team to follow Shetty and provide security for him. Such a criminal he is and now police force have to provide protection for him. Damn.
We have to find who else were there with Shetty in that hideous crime.

Avni: Yeah so that we can provide them with security. Those people are criminals and they deserve jail. But what to do we don't have any evidence against them.

Neil: Avni we will find a way . Now let's concentrate on the previous murder. We need to find how was it done.

Murder no: 1

Chowdary - found dead in train coupe. The door was locked from inside.

Avni- " How can someone else kill him if he himself has locked the door from inside? What about the postmortem report? Presence of any foreign body? "

Neil- " According to post mortem report no foreign bodies were found from his body. He is strangled to death. "

Avni- "Strange. How can this happen? Did we call the co-passengers that day?

Neil- "We had an interrogation with them . But no one seems to give any information. "

Avni- " call them again to have an further investigation in the same train , same coupe and same seats so that we can try to recreate the scenario."

Neil- "DD make arrangements for the same as soon as possible. "

DD- " Sure sir "

Neil (in mind) - 'What's going on in her mind ? Seems like she will come up with a clue just like every time . I have full on trust on her.'

DD - ' Bhabhi is different in office. Very sharp and sincere . Hope she will give her best in this case and make us proud.'

Meanwhile Pandey ( constable) comes with the file

Pandey - ( Salutes) " Sir here is the file on The people who died in Santhi Nagar fire accident "

Neil- " Thank you Pandey. You may leave now "

Pandey left after saluting

Neil- " Looking in the report there is none left in that accident. So who could it be? "

Avni- "I am also confused Neil. We must be missing some links here. First let's try to solve this murder mystery. May be we could get some clues from there. "

DD - " Neil sir Narasimha then MLA was partner of Shetty during that time but in binami name. But this was told to be a rumor. Shall we send police protection for him as well? "
Neil- "you are right DD . Send some police protection for him as well ."

Later in the night
Narasimha' s house

Narasimha gets a phone call.

Narasimha- " Hello Narasimha here. "

Person- " ohhh Mr. soon you are going to be in jail "

Narasimha- " Is this some kind of joke? Who are you?"

Person- "I am your well wisher. Just look from your window police has surrounded you. "

Narasimha peeps from the window and sees police .

Person- " the Santhi Nagar case is reopened by the police officer."

Narasimha- " What should I do now?"

Person- " Sir escape from there through behind wall . I will send you to safer place."

Person in mind - " you will be in hell soon Mr. greedy hollow headed."

To be continued........

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