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Santhi Nagar?? Exclaimed Neil.
Where is that??

" I have vague idea about the place and incident . Mom can definitely help you. She knows about the place and connection with Shetty " replied Avni .

"We will definitely go to Neelamma's place tomorrow morning itself. "

"Hmm .." Avni was about to tell something .

" Neil ,Avni dinner is ready come down " Swetha called from outside cutting off Avni.

They went down for dinner and after that they slept off hoping to find clue the next day.

The next day the couple got ready and left to Neela's house.

Avni presses the calling bell.
Neela opens the door to find her daughter and son-in law at the door.
"Avni, Neil..." she called out all excited.., What a surprise? Without calling... morning itself..

"Mom will you let us in or you will have us here at door whole day ?" Asked Avni

" Haaa... I forgot out of excitement... Neil , Avni come inside "

They had a convo over the table having tea.

" Neelama... you have any idea about Shetty's corporates connection with Santhi Nagar??? "

"Neil??? What's the need in asking about the incident that happened 10 years ago?" Neela asked with a gasp..

" Maaa the case that we are investigating is related to Shetty Corporates." Told Avni

"We??? " Asked Neela with her eyebrows raised.

" Neelamma meet my new partner in case investigation Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna." A proud Neil replied.

"Whaat??? Really Avni?? And you didn't even give me a hint.. Neela replied with a bit of fake sadness.

"Mom Neil told me yesterday night only about this. "

"I'm happy for you Avni. You are close to your dream " .

" and coming back to Shetty corporates and Santhi Nagar . It happened 10 years back....

Flash back (10 years back)

Santhi Nagar... a beautiful area with farmers.

The nature has bestowed most valuable jewels on that village.

A lovely river Akshaya flowing which blessed the village with fertile land.

The Village pradhaan Arvind , wife Nila , children Atharv and Shreya lived there happily with the farmers.. They were all innocent people..

Their peace and happiness were destroyed when Shetty had eyes on the plot for his chemical plant there in Santhi Nagar.

He approached the villagers for their land . But they refused to give the land since farming was the only occupation they know and they loved their land so much..

Shetty approached the Pradhan, but he didn't help him. He supported the villagers.
He told the villagers not to leave their land. If the chemical plant comes there then it causes pollution for the environment and made the villagers aware about the effects on the nature, land and people.

Even the MLA and police was supporting Shetty as he bought them with his money .

Villagers were still reluctant to leave their land.
Shetty knew that the villagers' strength was the pradhan. So he decided to buy him. But being a man of principle he didn't fall in their trap. This angered Shetty.

Pradhan had collected evidence against Shetty.
He knew it's not safe to keep the evidences with him. So he gave the evidence to his friend .

The day when he transferred the evidence the whole village was burnt down and The villagers including Pradhan and his family were dead..

End of flashback
Neil and Avni were shocked to hear this .
Neela has tears in her eyes.
"Neelama how did you know this incident? " Neil asked.

The friend whom Arvind passed the evidence was Avni's Dada Ashish

Sorry for late and short update. I'm getting busy these days since we are planning on a vacation to India.

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