Chapter 9, Final Chapter

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So here I was again. Wayne Manor. Last time I saw this place was last year, with Damian. I stood at the front door and knocked three times. As I waited I got the chance to remember all of the good things that happened in here. Heat rose up to my cheeks and ears as I remembered that night I spent with Damian. Not everything had been all sexual here. We had a movie marathon, we ate some cookies and took a walk around the gardens. It seemed so perfect then. I missed it, so much. 

I heard the door creak open, which snapped me out of my trance. I was greeted by a smiling Tm Drake. 

"Hey Tim," I said waving, "where's Damian?" 

"Oh, you just missed him. He went out with Bruce just a few minutes ago, sorry. But he'll be back soon, don't worry." 

My heart sank. I had hoped that Damian would be the one to answer the door and wrap me in his arms as I greeted him. If he knew I was coming today, why wouldn't he stick around to say "hi" to me? I get that Bruce is a very busy man, being Batman and all but, he could've taken Dick or Tim with him. Why did he have to take Damian? 

"Oh, yeah sure. No worries," I said. "I'll just put my stuff in Damian's room and make myself at home, is that okay?" 

"Of course, go right ahead." 

Tim stepped sideways to let me in. I walked through the entrance and looked around. The place still was as big as last time. I walked up the familiar stairs and up to Damian's room. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Strange. I shrugged it off. Maybe Damian didn't want his brothers to go through his stuff while he was out. I placed my bag in front of Damian's door and floated back down the stairs where I was greeted by Alfred. 

"Hello there, miss (Y/N)." 

"Hey, Alfred! How have you been?" 

"Not too bad, not too bad. What about yourself?" 

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright thanks." 

"Oh, I was supposed to let you know that Damian had left you a surprise outside in the garden." 

"Oh, okay. I'll go check it out." 

"Ah, ah, ah. Not without this." Tim said, holding a piece of fabric in his hands. 

"What's that supposed to do?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. 

"It goes around your eyes dumbass," Tim said, chuckling. 

Tim stepped behind me and placed the cloth over my eyes and tied it around my head. 

"What is this for? Where are we going?" I asked reaching my arms out. 

"Hey, this was Damian's idea. Not mine." 

"Of course it was Damian's idea," I replied back. 

Tim placed his hands on my shoulders and directed me around the Manor. 

"Okay, now watch your step. And no x-ray vision, you got that?" Tim said. 

"Yeah, yeah I got it." 

I stepped down and down again, indicating I was going down some stairs. 

"Jesus you walk so slow," Tim said, swooping me up bridal style. 

"Oh, okay, I'm sorry I've been blindfolded and forced to walk somewhere because Damian had a surprise for me." 

Tim stopped walking. 

"Uh, Tim? Why'd you stop?" 

"You can let go of my girlfriend now, Drake," I heard a familiar voice say. 

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