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Smackdown Live

Tom: Welcome to Smackdown Live. Tom Philips, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves here. What a night Money in The Bank was guys?

Saxton: It was awesome, Tom. Two new Money in the Bank winners and a new WWE Champion.

Graves: The landscape of The WWE will change as tonight starts The King of The Ring Qualifying matches. This is a chance to go to Summerslam for either The Universal or WWE Championship

Saxton: As well as The Queen of The Ring Qualifying matches tonight.

Greg: Ladies and Gentlemen, Smackdown General Manager, Lilith Ace!

Lilith: Thank you, WWE Universe! Two nights ago, Money in The Bank was awesome. But, it didn't go the way The Blue Brand would like. Raw superstars got both the men's and women's Money in The Bank Contracts.

But we're still The A Show and The Land of Opportunity. Opportunity is knocking as we're weeks away from The WWE Network Special, King of The Ring event.

This week starts The King and Queen of The Ring Qualifier Matches tonight. Four superstars, two matches, only two winner. Also there will be a representative from NXT to be on the Smackdown Bracket.

So here's the superstars in the tournament: Last year's winner, Samoa Joe, Sanity's Killian Dain, Seth Rollins, Sheamus, and...

The General Manager was interrupted by Brick, walking on the stage with crutches.

Graves: Oh boy! Here comes Brick.

Tom: Brick suffer a sprained ankle during The Money in The Bank Ladder Match.

Saxton: That wasn't the only thing he suffered last Sunday. He had the contract and he got attack by the man he took out for a month.

Tom: Rahzel return last night, screwing Brick out of the match.

Brick: Lilith, isn't it great? The King of The Ring tournament starts at the same time I got a sprain ankle. No thanks to your pathetic brother-in-law!

Lilith: Brick, you should've known Rahzel would come after you after your attack on him at Backlash. But you will be out of action for a month. No worry because you put your US Championship on the line last week, you will be back by the time of your 30 day no compete clause.

I did have a spot for you in this tournament, but since you're injured, I will give it to someone that deserves, someone that has a better chance than you and someone that hates your guts.

The fifth participant in the Smackdown bracket, The Big Bad Wolf, Rahzel!

Rahzel walked out on the stage, looking at Brick, shaking his head.

"Well isn't that sad? Once again your body made of glass bones and paper skin holds you back.

"But don't worry, I want you at 100% because I'm going to break every bone in your body when you come back.

"And to those who I'll see in The King of The Ring Tournament, the throne is mine and I will slay those who oppose me. Pray you don't meet me."

Tom: The Big Bad Wolf sends a warning to all who will be in the tournament.

Graves: Rahzel is going to make people suffer as he moves up for a chance to have a WWE Championship match.


Jasper, Dekker and, Raij were in the locker room, thinking of a alternative name for their group, Sixx.

After returning from the beating he took at The Ambulance Match at Backlash, The Golden Boy was offered in a group with Jasper, Dekker, and Ruby Riott.

Goodnight: How about Syxx?

Raij: It's X-Pac's WCW name. We can't use it!

Goodnight: Damn it. Uhhh, how about...6ixx

Raij: That's perfect!

Ruby Riott walked in the room, looking at Goodnight and Raij high fiving each other while Dekker sat in his chair.

Ruby: Guys, we're going to take over The King and Queen of The Ring Tournament. I'm moving on to The Quarterfinals while two of you are heading to the 1st Round.

Dekker: I'm going to win the whole damn thing!

Ruby: Dekker, you're not in the tournament.

Dekker stood up quickly and threw his chair to the wall.

Ruby: Jasper and Raij, you two are in the Qualifier Match. Unfortunately, you two are facing each other.

Goodnight and Raij face each other, shaking hands for sportsmanship.

Raij: May the better man win.

Goodnight: Agree


King of The Ring
Smackdown Bracket Matches
(1st Round)

Rahzel vs Sheamus

Killian Dain vs Scottie Ace

Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe

Big E vs Jasper Goodnight

Rahzel: My Reign, Year 3 Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now