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Smackdown Live
4 weeks till Extreme Rules

Tom: Welcome to Smackdown Live. Tom Philips, Corey Graves, and Bryon Saxton here. King of The Ring is in the books and we now proceed to Extreme Rules.

Tonight, WWE Champion, Roman Reigns goes against The Miz. If The Miz win he will in The WWE Championship Match at Extreme Rules.

Graves: But who will face Roman for The WWE Championship? Lilith will pit Seth Rollins and Samoa Joe against each other in a #1 Contenders Match.

Saxton: Also, Smackdown had a clean sweep at King of The Ring. We will hear from The King and Queen of The Ring, Rahzel and Ruby Riott tonight.

Tom: Speaking of Rahzel, here he comes.

Greg: Ladies and gentlemen, The 2019 King of The Ring Winner. The Big Bad Wolf, Rahzel!

Tom: Corey, Bryon. You two saw Rahzel's performance this weekend.

Saxton: Yes. His intentions was clear. Hurt people, hurt some more, put them down and win.

Graves: Couldn't say that any better myself. After all of that, he won the tournament and he awaits for Summerslam and The WWE Championship.

Rahzel stood in the ring with the mic in his hands.

"There's a saying I go by: I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

"So when I said that I was going to win The King of The Ring Tournament, I mean it. When I said that whoever stood in my way, I was going to destroy them, I mean it.

"Sheamus, Big E, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Gargano. They stood in my way and I took them down and now, I have WWE Title match at Summerslam.

"Some people didn't like what I did to Johnny Wrestling. To those people, I don't remember giving a damn about you! If I need your opinion, I'll ask.

"Summerslam is a month away Extreme Rules is in a couple of weeks. Whoever walks out of Extreme Rules as The WWE Champion has The Big Bad Wolf in front of them.

"Now, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life and I'm feeling damn good. It's been a month.

"Brick, get your ass out here and get this ass kicking!"

The crowd cheered on as The Big Bad Wolf called out The US Champion out to the ring.

But instead, The GM of Smackdown showed up on the titantron.

Lilith: Rahzel, I know you waited to get your hands on Brick for a month. But you will have to wait longer as he has a United States Championship Match tonight.

But, champion or not, you will face Brick at Extreme Rules.

"Lilith, you test my patience. I want to break his bones and waiting till Extreme Rules to beat the hell out of him is going to make me snap.

"In our match, I need something to make Brick suffer"

Lilith: How about this? Rahzel vs Brick in a Extreme Rules Match!

Rahzel smiled along with the crowd's cheers.

Lilith: Rahzel, you seem like you need some action. How about you face a former United States Champion.

Shelton Benjamin walked out with a referee.

Tom: Shelton Benjamin looks to stop The King of The Ring winner's momentum.


Rahzel (KOTR) vs Shelton Benjamin

Later on

The Gold Standard and The Big Bad Wolf were having a good match as tge crowd were on their feet.

Benjamin waited at the corner, waiting for Rahzel to get up. He charged towards him, leaping to hit his finisher, Paydirt.

But Zell held his ground, holding Shelton and hit The Uranage Back Breaker and applied Zellthanasia.

The referee called for the bell and Benjamin tapped out.

Greg: Here's your winner, Rahzel!

Tom: That could be Brick in a couple of weeks at Extreme Rules.

Graves: I wouldn't go that far, Philips. Rahzel is dangerous without rules. But put a weapon in Brick's hands and he'll give Zell a run for his money.

Saxton: If he does what he did to Shelton Benjamin, Brick will be in trouble.


Lilith was looking at the action on tv till the office door was burst in. The United States Champion enter the room.

Brick: Not only you put me in a Extreme Rules Match with Rahzel tonight. You're making me defend my title tonight!

Lilith: Brick, you've been gone for a month. You know that if you don't defend your title, you'll be stripped from it.

Now, you will face Rahzel at Extreme Rules in a Extreme Rules Match. Champion or not.

Brick: Who's my opponent.

Lilith: It's Raij. You owe him a title match since you were the one to take Rahzel out at Backlash.

Brick: Whatever. I'll beat him down just like I'm going to your Brother in Law at Extreme Rules.

Brick walked out of the office as Lilith shook her head, proceeding to watch Smackdown.


United States Championship
Brick (C) vs Raij

Brick had Raij in position for a Powerbomb. He lift the challenger up and slam The Golden Boy down on the mat.

The Monstro of Mexico went to get up, but Raij had him in a Triangle Chokehold. The ref got down to see Raij's shoulders on the mat.

1, 2, 3

The bell rang, but the referee had a confused look on his face.

Tom: Brick had the pin on Raij. But he tapped out at the count of 3.

Graves: Either we have a new champion or Brick retains.

Another ref and Lilith went out there to talk about the finished of the match. The ref of the match raised Raij's arm while the other ref raise Brick's arm.

The General Manager took The US Championship, exit the ring and head to the back.

Tom: I'm guessing Lilith Ace will have a decision about the match.

Rahzel: My Reign, Year 3 Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now