Chapter 1

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Anne's POV:

It was a beautiful winter day in Avonlea.  I slowly opened my eyes and caught my first glimpse of the sun as it peeked through my bedroom window hitting the freckles on my face.  A yawn escaped from my mouth as I tried to recall the last remnants of the dream from my sleep.   My warm covers feel  like a lovely nest, but I forced myself to stand up and walk over to my bedroom window. I opened my window and was slightly taken back by the cold winter air which slowly numbed my face as I stood there. Though none of that mattered, as I had always loved winter. Nothing was more breathtaking than the sight of the sun-light glistening on the cold blanket of snow, which covered the dead earth.

I closed my window, and got changed in my plain brown dressed and laced up my boots before putting my hair into two long braids. I rushed down the stairs as I did not want to keep Marilla or Matthew waiting any longer.

"Good morning Marilla and Matthew." I said while sitting down at the table already set with food.

"For goodness sake child, what took you so long?  We have been waiting for you." Marilla said in and irritated tone.

"Oh, Marilla, I was admiring the beauty of nature.  Winters  in the asylum were nothing compared to those in Avonlea," I said in the midst of a day dream," they didn't—."

"Oh I have heard enough.  Eat up or you will be late to school. Wouldn't want to keep Ms. Stacey waiting." Marilla said cutting me off.

"Yes," I said before shoving the last piece of toast in my mouth. I walked to the door grabbing my coat, hat , and school books.

Matthew was quite shy and rarely contributed to any conversation, but I seemed to bring out a different side of him.

"Have a good day at school, " Matthew said wearily with a kind smile.

"Bye Marilla.  Bye Matthew."  I said before the shutting the door behind me.

I smiled and ran to the white gate of Green Gables.

"Bye Jerry," I said just before leaving.

"Au revoir," he yelled as he closed  the gate behind me.

I started down the trail heading to the spot Diana and I always meet to walk together.   I arrive and see that Diana was already waiting for me, and to my surprise, so was Gilbert Blythe. "This was going to be a long walk to school," I muttered under my breath.

"Morning Anne," Gilbert said.

"Mr. Blythe," I said sternly acknowledging him. Then I turned away to give Diana a hug.

"Hello Anne," she said with a smile before breaking apart the hug.

"Oh, hello Diana it's nice to see you," I said with a grand smile on my face.

"What about me Shirley?"  Gilbert said with a sly look on his face.

I turned around and shot Gilbert a glare before saying, "In your dreams,"

"I guess I will have to keep on dreaming then."  Gilbert said with a smirk. 

I stubbornly stuck my chin in the air, linked arms with Diana, and briskly walked away from Gilbert Blythe and his smile.

I like this chapter a lot better than my other ones. So I hope you enjoy. Please don't be a silent reader. 


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