Chapter 8

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Narrator POV:

(Also just to clear up the Diana and Ray thing at the lake happened on Tuesday and this next scene between Charlie and Gilbert is also on Tuesday. Then my little time jump is to Wednesday lol)

"Well come inside and I'll tell you," Gilbert said bluntly.

The boys walked into the semi warm house and went to sit at the kitchen table to talk over tea.

"Ok so what happened," Charlie asked.

"Ok so I was going to ask Anne to the dance like I said I would and when I was by the Barry pond I came across Anne and Ray talking and I assumed he asked her out," Gilbert said.

"What that's it you don't know what even happened. You know it's not uncommon for a boy and a girl to be friends," Charlie said while slightly laughing.

"Well I know-," Gilbert said before Charlie cut him off.

"You know nothing Gilbert you don't know the whole story go talk to her and find out why don't you,"Charlie said.

"for being one of the smartest people you sure are lacking a little there mate," Charlie teased.

"Alright I guess I will talk to her soon," Gilbert said lackadaisical.

"Why the long face," Charlie laughed.

"What if she says no I know she hates me," Gilbert said.

"Good joke Gilbert that's funny," Charlie said sarcastically.

"What," Gilbert questioned.

"She totally likes you, you are just super oblivious," Charlie said.

"You think," Gilbert said as his eyes perked up.

"I do think yes, I think everyone else knows too," Charlie remarked.

"Oh," was all Gilbert managed to say.

"Alright I will take my leave now that I dropped this bombshell of news I will leave you to think about that," Charlie chuckled before cleaning up his empty cup and leaving.


*time jump*

Narrator POV:

The dance was Saturday, but it was only Thursday . And since Miss Stacey was sick she took the day off letting her students off the hook for a day.

Anne's POV:

It was a beautiful winter morning the air was crisp and cold to the touch. I woke up to the smell of fresh food that hung in the air. I quickly got ready rushed down the stairs skipping every other step as I made my way down.

"Hello Marilla and Matthew lovely morning isn't it," I said smiling.

"Morning Anne," Marilla said as she was setting up the table for breakfast.

"It's a bit cold don't you think Anne," Matthew said.

"It is cold, but I can look past that," I said.

"Anne sit down and eat your breakfast now Anne," Marilla said.

"Hey, Marilla since I have the day off of school do you think I could go see Diana," I questioned as I was eating my toast.

"Yes, once you finish you may, but wear you new gloves it's awfully chilly," Marilla said as she was now eating too.


I quickly finished my breakfast I put my plate and cup away and got all my winter gear on for the walk to Diana's.

"Ok bye," I yelled before closing the door I was meet with a quick rush of cold air which was to be expected since it was winter.

As I was walking to Diana's down one of the quiet trails in Avonlea I ran across

enormous Pine tree. I just had to climb it.

"Hello you are quite an amazing tree," I mumbled to myself as I climbed up the first branch.

"Such scope for the imagination," I said.

As I felt the cold breeze on my face, which turned my cheeks and nose a light color of pink, I closed my eyes as everything around me disappeared. I was completely alone in the tree. And I stayed there for what felt like hours, but I knew I had to go to see Diana eventually.

I was slowly ascending the branches of the tall tree being careful of each step I take, but suddenly I slipped on some ice I screamed as l plummeted all the way to the bottom. And when I hit the ground I winced out in pain. I don't know what l hurt, but to me is seemed like everything.

Then I heard my name.

"Anne," the stranger said from behind me.

"Help," was all I managed to say before everything went black.

Again sorry not the best chapter anyway I promised another So here it is. I cringe when I read my own work so I never edit it enjoy pls comment and vote love you guys 

Thanks for the reads almost at a 1000 guys love you all xoxo


It Was Always You (Shirbert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang