Chapter 13

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"Anne wake up," Diana said shaking Anne awake.

She slowly opened her eyes and sighed.

"Huh, what, where am I," Anne said sitting up.

"Your at school," Roy said.

Anne looked around to examine the room.

"Where is everyone," she questioned.

"Um, school is over," Roy.

Anne's eyes widened at the realization of what she had done, "oh my."

"Yes, right after lunch, you fell asleep," Diana said, " and you have been asleep this whole time."

"Well anyway let's get you home before Marilla wonders where you are," Roy said lightly laughing.

"Alright," Anne said.

Anne quickly gathered her belongings and was on her way, with Diana and Roy who would accompany her home. 


"Hello Marilla," Anne said walking through the white door leading into Green Gables.

"Hello Anne," Marilla said, "How was school?" 

"It was good," Anne lied. 

"Did you eat your lunch?" Marilla asked.

"I wasn't really hungry and I only ate my apple," Anne said nervously.

"Anne, you have to eat," Marilla said scolding Anne.

"Yeah, but if your not hungry, nothing is appetizing," she said. 

"No arguing, you will be eating you dinner tonight," Marilla said.

And then there was a knock at the door.

Marilla made her way to the front door.

"Miss Stacey what a pleasure, come in please," Marilla said smiling.

Anne watched the interaction from afar, afraid to go say hi. She has a slight suspicion of what Miss Stacey came here for. 

"Why hello Ms. Cuthbert," Miss Stacey said smiling.  

"I had come by to inform you that your Anne—," Marilla cut her off out of curiosity.

"My Anne has what," Marilla  asked

"Well she fell asleep in class today, it really was nothing after all she is my best student," Miss Stacey said, " I just felt you needed to know if she hadn't already told you."

"Why no this is news to me," Marilla  said shocked.

"Anne get over here," Marilla said.

Anne moved out of her hiding spot and rushed to Marilla. 

"Is it true you fell asleep in class today," Marilla furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes," Anne said nervously.

"Well apologize immediately," Marilla said sternly.

"I'm truly am sorry for falling asleep in your lovely class. I am usually quite attentive, but recently I have been  awfully tired," Anne said. 

"Like I said it is alright, I don't want to see it again though," Miss Stacey said smiling.

"I must be on my way, see you in class tomorrow Anne." Miss Stacey kindly smiled before making   her way out the door.

"Bye," Anne said.

"Anne you have become pretty troublesome lately first your not eating, and now this. What is wrong," Marilla said angrily.

"Sorry," Anne squeaked. 

"Go up stairs for a bit, while I make dinner," Mairlla said annoyed. 

"Ok," Anne said.


Kinda another filler I don't wanna rush this too fast so yeah I will be doing some fillers for a bit. I mean it kinda plays a major role, but at the same time doesn't really. Hopefully you guys will understand later. Lol. Anyways love yah. Tell me if you actually like my story cuz I am very self conscious that you guys don't like it. If you don't That is completely fine I just wanna know if you do or don't. Tell things ( filler) ideas you wanna see before I jump into the main plot again. 


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