Chapter 9

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Anne's POV:

I woke up my vision still blurry.

I tried to quickly sit up and immediately winced in pain. 'Bad idea' I thought.

"Oh no," I said as my eyes widened. Nausea now clawed at me I grabbed at my stomach and then I threw up.

I then fell back down to the snowy ground and was now resting on my back when I noticed the person next to me and took me a second to register in my brain who it was.

"Gilbert," I questioned. I was in so much pain I didn't even care it was Gilbert. "What are you doing here."

"I saw you fall out of the tree then you passed out," Gilbert said," Are you alright?"

"Not really," I said my eyes tearing up in pain.

"Where does it hurt," he's said with worry in his eyes.

"Everywhere," I said quietly seeing as I was in pain.

"May I check," Gilbert asked.

I nodded as tears slipped from the crease of my eyes and rolled down my cheek.

"He checked my arms, ribs, but It was when he touched my right leg I felt a dreadful pain that shot up my and like a wave spread through my body.

I screamed In pain. "There?" he asked.

I nodded trying to hold back the welling tears in my eyes.

Narrators POV:

"I think it might be br-," but Gilbert stopped mid sentence seeing as he didn't want to upset Anne anymore. Seeing her cry made him sad. He wished more than anything to take her place.

"What, it might be what," Anne questioned still trying to put a brave face on.

"Nothing," Gilbert said.

"Just tell me," Anne whined.

"Broken,"Gilbert said.

Anne tried to hold her tears back but they just poured from her eyes. Yes, she has sprained to ankle one to many times at the asylum, but nothing to this extent. She was scared.

"I'm scared," Anne said sobbing.

"Shh, I know it's alright I will help you," Gilbert said quietly trying to comfort her.

Seeing as he was studying to become a doctor he had read the book an broken bones many times and he knew what needed to be done.

He quickly made a makeshift splint out of twigs lying around and used it to keep her leg from getting more injured.

"I'm going to get you home now, can I pick you up," Gilbert asked.

"No I can walk," Anne said defensively.

"Anne no you can't you leg is broken and I could only imagine the pain your in," Gilbert sighed.

"Ok," Anne said in defeat knowing he was completely right. She was in no shape to walk.

"Anne you very brave, but sometimes you have to let people help you," Gilbert said with a warm smile that sent shivers down Anne's spine.

And with that Gilbert easily picked up Anne seeing as she was very light. and was now carefully carrying her bridal style making sure not to hurt her leg. Once Anne was in Gilbert's arms she rested her head on his chest, which caused Gilbert's heart to leap. He completely adored this girl even though he thought she would never love him back.

In Gilbert's arms Anne felt safe and happy despite the current situation. She felt a fluttery feeling in her gut, but passed it off as nausea.

A silence hung over the two as Gilbert walked on to Green Gables before Anne spoke,"now I won't be able to go to the dance," Anne whined letting a tear grace her cheek," and I won't be able to wear the beautiful dress dear Matthew bought me," Anne cried.

"Oh, Anne I'm sure you and Ray will be able to make the next dance," Gilbert said in a saddened tone.

"Ray, Why Ray," Anne sniffled.

"Well isn't he taking you to the dance," Gilbert questioned.

"No, where would you get such an idea. Ray is going with my lovely Diana," Anne said sadly seeing as no boy would ever want her.

"Oh I don't know," Gilbert said, but secretly he was ecstatic.

"Gilbert by the way what were you doing out here," Anne asked.

"I was going-," Gilbert once again stopping himself from saying his whole sentence. He didn't want to saying he was going to see Anne. "On a walk," he finished.

"Oh,"Anne said.

"What about you," Gilbert asked.

"I was going to see my Kindred spirit Diana, but got sidetracked,"Anne said.

The both were now at Green Gables. Gilbert tried hi best to knocked on the door seeing as Anne was still in his arms, but thankfully Marilla opened the door.

"Oh my what happened,"Marilla said in complete shock.

"Anne broke her leg," Gilbert said quietly because Anne was now asleep in his arms.

"We must take her to the doctor now come on Gilbert," Marilla said worry still lacing her voice.

"I will get Matthew go wait by the gait," Marilla said.

After a few minutes of waiting Matthew and Marilla pulled up in the cart.

"Get in child," Marilla said.

It was now close to nightfall and getting darker by the minute. Matthew and Marilla were quickly making their way to the doctors with Gilbert and a Anne in the back.

"We're here," Matthew uncharacteristically said.

Gilbert rushed out of the cart and into the small doctors office still carrying Anne. With Marilla and Matthew closely behind.

"Mr. Blythe," The docter said. He knew Gilbert all to well seeing as he was his fathers docter.

"Docter Holland," Gilbert acknowledged.

"What do we have here," the docter questioned.

"I thinks she broke her leg," Gilbert said.

" Well Alright set her down, " the docter said patting the chair in the middle of the room.

"While I check her I gonna ask you two to leave, just for the sake of privacy," the docter said to Gilbert and Matthew. And allowing Marilla to stay.

It would be hours before the docter called them back. Both Gilbert and Matthew ran inside.

Inside was Anne would lightly smiled at the sight of both men.

"Well I set her leg. She will not be able to walk for a little while, but when she does I have crutches for her. And as far as her leg fully healing it won't be healed for many months. And she will be in a lot of pain so here are some meds," the docter said handing them Marilla.

"Thank you so much for healing Anne truly," Marilla said," What do we owe."

"Oh nothing Mr.Blythe is a good friend of mine it really is fine," The docter said.

"Thank you truly for helping my girl," Matthew said.

"No problem."

And with that they all left Anne and Gilbert in the back and Marilla and Matthew in the front of the cart.

It didn't take long for Anne to fall asleep as it was really late. And when she did she rested her head in Gilbert's lap. A smile stretched across his lips. "Goodnight Anne I love you," he whispered moving a piece of hair from her face. Then he too fell asleep. 

Got another chapter booyah. Anyway this is a lot longer. I might also get another chapter later we'll see how it goes. Enjoy please comment and vote it really makes my day and gives me the motivation to write. Xoxo  

QOTD: Who is your favorite singer? And why? 

-mine is Ricky Montgomery 


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