Chapter 15

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Anne's POV:

"Diana I don't feel to well," I groaned out of pain as my body ached.

"How about we walk to school and if you still don't feel well we will tell Miss Stacey ok," Diana rubbed my back in attempts to comfort me.

"Ok," was all I could muster up to say.

A comfortable silence hung about us as we made our way to the one room school house, and chatter filled the air once we stepped inside.

"Hey Anne," Roy smiled.

"Hello," I quietly said setting down my books on my small wooden desk.

"Anything the matter," Roy furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't feel to well, but nothing I can't handle," I said trying to hide the fact that I was not fine, but I had to stay strong.*

"Alright class, take a seat we will be starting the lesson," Miss Stacey said grabbing the attention of the students, "open your Reader's to page 14, and Anne may you please read the poem aloud." Miss Stacey beamed.

I stood up as I felt the gaze of the other students on me.


Unspoken love and hurt between us

But there is always a space in my heart for you

Dysfunctional though we may be"


In the middle of my passionate recital I stopped, this felt familiar, but I couldn't put a finger in it. Many thoughts quickly rushed about my head. I felt dizzy. I rubbed the temples of my forehead trying to get a grasp on the situation. My dizzying state worsening by the second. I quickly glanced down at my bosom friend, who had concern etched into her face.

"Anne," Miss Stacey said trying to snap me out of it. But I was still in a haze. Unable to really move or speak. Soon enough I felt nauseous.

And then everything went black.

Narrator's POV:

There was a thud as Anne had fallen and hit the ground hard.

Gasps were heard about the classroom. Miss Stacey quickly rushed down to Anne side.

"She has fallen ill, Charlie and Ruby go fetch the docter and tell him to quickly meet me at Green Gables." Miss Stacey ordered.

They rushed out of the schoolhouse. While the others tended to the unconscious Anne.

"I'm going to take her to Green Gables, school is out for the day guys," Miss Stacey said while swiftly picking up the limp body.

"Miss Stacey may we join you," Diana asked as Roy stood next to her.

"Yes, but we better move quickly," Miss Stacey said.


"Hello, anyone here it's kinda an emergency," Charlie yelled as he entered the doctors office, with Ruby close behind.

"Yes, How may I help you," the doctor questioned as he came from the back room.

"My, friend Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, has fallen ill," Ruby said.

"Anne, yes she was the one who had hurt her leg, wasn't she," doctor Holland asked. ( if you don't remember Doctor Holland is the doctors name from the previous chapter)

"Yes," Ruby replied.

"Mr. Blythe quickly fetch my bag won't you," the doctor yelled.

Gilbert came slightly jogging from the back room, with the bag full of medical supplies.

"Charlie and Ruby," Gilbert said surprised.

"Yes, it's been awhile, but Anne is in trouble, so let's go," Charlie said impatiently.

"Anne," Gilbert said worried.

"Come on, we don't have time for you to worry," Charlie said.

"Yes, lets go," The doctor said.

They all rushed out to the buggy in the front of the office that belonged to docter Holland and quickly made their way to Green Gables.


"Ok we're here," Said Miss Stacey as they rushed up the door, as unconscious Anne still rested in her arms.

Diana ferociously knocked on the door, worried about her friends state.

The door was opened by a now wide eyed Marilla.

"What happened," asked a worried Marilla. She motioned three of them to come in.

"Well today in class just when we had started the lesson I asked her to read a poem aloud she only had gotten part way before she passed out,". Miss Stacy said.

"She told me this morning she wasn't feeling well, I didn't really think anything of it so I suggested we keep walking to school," Diana said adding to the conversation of the two adults.

"I  can take her," Marilla said.

And with that Marilla took Anne from Miss Stacey's arms relieving her of the burden and swiftly carried her up to the bedroom, where she laid her on the bed, with the others followed closely behind.

"I had already sent for the doctor and he is on his way," Miss Stacey said.

"Good , I will go fetch Matthew and make him aware of the current situation." Marilla said.

"Alright, we will watch Anne," Diana said.



Here you go my doods I will have another chapter tmrw. Sorry I haven't been v active school is fur real killin me. And it's a big phat mood but homegirl is surviving.  Well kinda. Anyway how have you all been, I hope Better than me anyway. ❤️❤️🤧  That video up there perfectly sums up school for me.

( also the little poem in there's is not mine I got it online, but it never said a name. So credit to whoever created that, I am not trying to copy)

Little rant: School is shit. 


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