Chapter 14

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*time jump by couple of days*

"Marilla can I stay home today, I don't feel very well," Anne said tiredly.

"Nonsense, do you have a fever," Marilla checked her forehead, "you do not have a fever you will be attending school today, now go upstairs and get dressed. You don't want to be late."

"Alright," Anne sluggishly made her way up the stairs in no mood to ague with Marilla.


"Alright bye Marilla," Anne said lackadaisical.

"Bye Anne," Marilla said from the kitchen. 

Anne shut the door behind her and slowly made her way out of the white gates of green gables. As per usual, Anne met up with Diana in their usual meeting spot. 

"Why hello Anne, isn't it a splendid fall morning," Diana said cheerily. 

"Anne," Diana said furrowing her eyes brows, since her friend had uncharacteristically stayed quite, " What's wrong Anne."

"I don't feel well my dearest Diana," Anne said.

"Well I have some news that might change you mind, so apparently Gilbert came back yesterday. That's the rumor. Yet, no one has seen or heard from him." Diana said. 

"That's great," Anne said bluntly.

"This is just splendid news, even though you did not admit it we both now you missed him," Diana said.

"I did not, and I am quite offended you think so," Anne said sticking her chin in the air (the Anne in Anne of Green Gables did this a lot, so if you have never seen the movies then this might sound dumb. Also if you have never seen the movies you are missing out they are so good.)

"Anne, we both know you like him, just quite the act," Diana begged. 

"I have a boyfriend, if I may inform you, and I thought you liked Roy," Anne said angrily.

"I do, but I know you don't like him the way you are trying to," Diana said, " you like Gilbert and you have always."

"So what if I did, what can I do about it," Anne stubbornly asked. 

"Tell him, he did come back apparently," Diana laughed. 

"Well, right now I am with Roy, and even though I don't like him like him he makes me happy."Anne said.

Diana just sighed at the headstrong red-head a few paces him from of her.

"Anne did you know you can be quite frustrating sometimes," Diana said.

"You are giving me a headache," Anne joked, " no but seriously my head is hurting quite dreadfully."

"Let's hope I can make it though the day," Anne laughed.

Diana rubbed the back of her bosom friend consoling her, " come one Anne let's go before we are late." 

A/n: homegirl knows this is crappy, but I have just come to the realization I am a bad writer.  Hi my name is Xoxo and I never fudging learned how to write. Anyways enjoy comment vote.

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