Chapter 16

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(also this is from the show The 100 BEST SHOW EVER I have actually watched that show ten times so I def recommend it)

" Roy I'm really worried for Anne," Diana said in an anxious state, while both her and Roy sat the end of Anne's bed.

"What,...uh yeah me too," he responded in flat tone, trying to recover from his daze. 

"What's wrong," Diana asked as concern was evident. 

"I'm worried for her too, why hasn't she waken up yet," Roy said harshly. 

"I don't know, but the docter will be here soon, have some faith ok," Diana said in hopes to calm him down a bit. 

"I'm going home I can't see her like this much longer, I will be back soon ok." Roy said while standing up.

"Why," Diana asked.

"Because when I see her lying there I can't help but feel responsible, like I should have known," Roy said discouraged.

"Oh Roy you know this wasn't your fault, no one knew," Diana spoke softly.

"I know, but I can't help but feel as if it was, I'll be back later, hopefully then she will be awake." Roy said before walking out of Anne's bedroom. 

"Oh Anne, you better wake up soon," Diana said to herself while gazing over at the unconscious Anne. 


"Ms. Cuthbert, I shall be getting on home now,"Roy said plainly.

"Why must you go," Ms. Cuthbert questioned, "the docter will be here shortly."

"I can't stand to see Anne likes this, I will be back later," Roy said.

"I know just how you feel, but it's Anne she is strong and she will get through this, just come in the kitchen and have something to drink it will take your mind off of things,ok," Ms. Cuthbert said warmly.

"Alright," Roy gave in and went to the kitchen, realizing he can't just leave Anne here like this.

"You sit here, I'm going to go check on Anne," Ms. Cuthbert said. 

Knock knock 

"Oh docter Holland," Ms. Cuthebert said relieved as she opened the door, " Anne's upstairs."

"Gilbert stay down here, your assistance is not needed now," Docter Holland said.

"But docter I know this girl," Gilbert said desperately.

"I know just relax," Docter Holland responded.

"Well Gilbert, it's been awhile since I have seen you, wish it were under better circumstances," Ms. Cuthbert said, " and it's nice to see you too Charlie and Ruby." 

"Roy is in  the kitchen if you guys want to go wait in there, while  Mr. Cuthbert and I go upstairs with the docter." Ms. Cuthbert said. 


Gilbert POV:

"Roy is in the kitchen if you guys want to go wait in there, while Mr. Cuthbert and I go upstairs with the docter." Ms. Cuthbert said. 

"Ok," we all responded.

'Who's Roy,' my thoughts were interrupted by Diana.

"Gilbert it's so good to see you again," and then she embraced me in a hug.

"Nice to see you too," I responded with a smile and hugged back.

"Quick question who is Roy," I asked.

Diana frowned, " Well,... Roy is Anne's boyfriend."

At this point I don't need know what face I made in response but it was something along the lines of shocked and disappointed.

"What..." I said.

"Uhh yeah, I know how you felt about her," Diana gave me a consoling pat on the shoulder while I stood there completely dumbfounded.

'How did she know I didn't really tell anybody'

I was again snapped out of my thoughts by Diana

"Let's go upstairs and wait," she said. 

We all went upstairs and waited in the hallway, while tension lingered in the air.

None of us spoke as we all sat in silence waiting to the docter to be done, it felt as if time it's self has slowed down and everything was in slow motion. I didn't know how to feel.

The girl I liked is currently dating the guy I'm sitting next to and she is currently  unconscious on a bed, my feelings are all over the place.

Author note:

Finally got another chapter done it's been awhile and I'm a but rusty so I'm sorry for this horrible chapter I just kinda needed to get it out of the way for better things to come honestly I have been wanting to write for awhile but I have been dreading this chapter. 


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