Chapter 12

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Maddie's POV
I woke up to a door slamming than people yelling at each other, I got up to see who it was and I open the door to see Ethan and Grayson yelling at each other right outside of Ethan's room which is across from Grayson's.
"Ethan calm down, she didn't say that, Chole did" Grayson says
"No she said it, she just wanted drama and become popular, why didn't I ever believe Chole before"
"So your saying your choosing Chole over your best friend" Grayson yells
"Ex best friend" he responds. I make a sniffling noise, because I started crying and they both look at me
"Don't even act innocent, you did this"
"Ethan! Stop now, you being dumb she did nothing" Ethan just walk inside his room and slams the door. I drop down and start balling my eyes out, why doesn't he believe me, why is he taking Chole side.
"Hey, hey, he is being a dick right now, he will find out" Grayson says while holding me, I felt safe in his arms.
"I hate Chole" I mutter
"Yeh, she's a bitch" she replies
"What do you want for dinner"
"Mc Donald's" I smile, he grabs my hand and takes me outside and in the car, he drives to Mc Donald's and he goes through the 'drive thru' he orders and than he parks at a near by beach. We sit in the car and eat, we make small talk. He soon gets out of the car and comes to my side.
"Gray, What are you doing!"
"Come on we going to the beach"
I get out and we walk towards the beach
"Wow it's beautiful" I say as the sun is setting. We walk around for an hour just taking in everything, I than felt to arm wrap around me and pick me up
"Grayson! Put me down" I scream. He just laughs and starts running into the water,
"Gray Don't you dare drop me. I soon felt coldness hit my whole body, it was winter right now and I was for sure going to get sick.
"Whoops, you slipped" he laughs
"Great, now I'm cold"
"I have a hoodie in the car" he says
We soon jumped into the car and he hands me his hoodie, I put it on and soon can smell his cologne that he puts on, god I love the smell of him.
We arrive back at my house, and we get greeted by my mum.
"Seriously Maddie, another fight" she looks at me disgusted
"I'm sorry mu-"
"No I don't want to hear it Maddie go to your room" I say goodbye and thank you to Grayson and go upstairs, if I'm being honest with you, she has changed, she use to be sweet and all but something has happened and I can tell. I get a text and I look at my phone and see that there are many unseen text I read through them all and answer some back.
Kylie🍑: way to go bitch, I'm a proud best friend.
Me: bahah hope I knocked some sense into her

Jake😴: your a hot mama, I wouldn't mind being the daddy

Alex🧢: are you okay
Me:I'm fine

Ethan❤️: honestly don't know what to think of you anymore.
I tear slipped down my face, I never thought this day would come, I miss my best friend so much and I hate that I know that he hates me for something I didn't do. I read the last text which made me smile.
Grayson☹️: don't worry about ethan, had a good time with you. Get some sleep because we going out tomorrow.
Me: we have school tomorrow.
Grayson☹️: sooo.... imma go to bed night
I turn my phone off and head to sleep, well this is going to be different.

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