Chapter 3

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[A/N] Sorry short chapter. It's a filler :P I hate making filler chapters. OH AND I UPDATED TODAY BECAUSE IT'S LARRY AND JAY'S BIRTHDAAYY! JULY 31ST BABY!! I really don't know why I'm cheering...It's not their birthday in the book xD oh well! Happy birthday Larry and Jay!!


Larry's POV

It's been a few days since Nat told us to start staying away from our family. Frankly they aren't getting the message. Liam is now calling Jay everyday trying to talk to her. When Jay does pick up she usually yells at him. Louis and El have been starting to call me. I only really ever talk to El. She is like my mum and my sister needs to talk to her too.

My phone starts to ring again. I look at the ID. Harry. Why would he be calling me? He never calls me. I hesitate to answer the call. I press the answer button and put the phone to my ear.


"Larry? I'm sorry I haven't called you," Harry's voice rings.

I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, always sorry but never mean it. What did I do to make you not want to talk to me? Huh? Can you tell me? All you ever say is I'll call you later but later never fucking comes!" I hang up the phone.

I cursed at Harry. I cursed at my own dad. I sigh and throw my phone on my bed. I'm alone with Tyler and Korey. Jay, Ellie, and Stella are out for a girl's week. I don't remember where they said they would go. A knock comes at the door. I whisper come in and sit down on my bed.

"Hey Larry. How you doing?" Tyler says sitting down next to me.

I shrug. I don't have the heart to stay away from Tyler. It's like I have a bond with him. I look up at him. He still has the skin of a 10 year old boy. It's funny.

"I hear what you said to Harry. I don't think you should be cursing at all," he says.

I laugh at his comment.

"Oh and you can curse in your videos? That makes a lot of sense Ty," I laugh.

"Hey now! My viewers expect me to do that! Now let's go out. You need to get out of this place!" Tyler says.

I nod and run downstairs. Korey is deep into the interview of the boys. I sit down next to him and listen to it.

"I actually have an announcement," Harry says.

He looks at Louis and Louis nods.

"Jake isn't really my brother. He's my and Louis' son," Harry says.

"His real name is Larry Styles-Tomlinson. Or as the fans say it, Larry Stylinson," Louis says.

The whole audience lets out a gasp. I can imagine the producers, Paul, and people behind the camera are gasping as well. The interviewer sits there with a shocked expression. She stutters before she continues. The interview ends and I sit there shocked. I can't believe he actually told people that I was his son! This is not good. I run outside and run to Nat's house. My phone starts to vibrate. I look down at the ID. Simon. I answer it on my way to Nat's house.

"Hello?" I say.

"So, you're their son. THIS IS GREAT!" he sounds excited.

"Um Simon, I got to go bye," I say quickly.

I run inside Nat's house. He's sitting there watching the interview over and over again.

"Nat? What do I do?" I say.

"You stay away from them even more! Don't you see why they did this?! They want to show that they are good fathers. You know they aren't Larry. Their management probably did this to get more publicity. I mean really, look through your tweets," he says.

I take out my phone and look through my tweets. A lot of them were of people saying that they were proud of me being their son. That is nothing to be proud of. Some people were saying it was disgusting that I'm their son. I kinda do agree with them. I might as well change my name. I changed my name to OfficialLarry.

"Nat, I have to go. Tyler and Korey are probably worrying about me," I say.

"I guess. I'll see you later," he says walking to his room.

I run out and start to walk back to the house. I get bombarded by the paps. I roll my eyes at them and continue to walk. One question made me stop in my tracks.

"Larry! How do you feel about Louis and Harry hiding your identity?"

I turn to the interviewer.

"How do I feel? Like crap! They only did it so they wouldn't be embarrassed. They barely talked to me for weeks and now they decide to pull this off. I truly hate them right now. Now fuck off and leave me alone!" I scream.

All the paps stop. Wow, what's going on with me? I never curse. I guess I'm going to have to deal with it. This is going to be all over magazines and the internet. Great, now I'll get hate. This is truly depressing.

Liam's POV

"Harry! Louis! What the hell were you guys thinking?!" I yell.

"It was time for everyone to know the truth! We've been telling them a lie!" Harry says.

"Yeah I guess so but now you decide to do this? What will Simon think?" I say.

Before Harry could talk, Niall called us over.

"This isn't good," Niall says.

We look at the article on his computer. Larry actually talked to the paps!? I look through the things and read it out loud.

"We caught up with Larry walking down the street. After being asked millions of questions, he stopped for one specific one. When he was asked how he felt about Louis and Harry keeping his identity a secret, he got mad. He said, 'Like crap! They only did it so they wouldn't be embarrassed. They barely talked to me for weeks and now they decide to pull this off. I truly hate them right now.' and finished it by cursing at us and storming off. What will happen in this situation?" I read aloud.

I watch Harry run his hand through his hair. Larry cursed at him? I know he cursed at Harry but at the paps? He's only 11 years old for god's sake! I look at Harry. He dials a number.

"Larry? I know you don't hate us. I'm sorry. Please call me back," Harry says into the phone.

He walks to the bunks and lay down. This isn't good. I actually try to talk to my daughter, but she thinks I'm only doing it to show off to Harry. I need to do something about this. Obviously, Harry and Louis can't handle Larry.

I look through the custody papers. Louis always keeps them with him. I look through it and find out only Harry's name is under the agreement. I should get custody of him. Maybe I should ask Niall, Zayn and Louis for their opinions.

I put the papers back where I got them. I stand up and walk over to Zayn. He gives the best advice in tough situations. I sit down next to him and he stares at me.

"I'm thinking about getting custody of Larry. What you think?" I ask.

"I don't know man. We're on tour and we won't see them for months. I really don't know what to tell you. Just think about it. It's only a few months," he says getting up.

Yeah only a few months...

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now