Chapter 4

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Larry's POV

I went straight upstairs after the paps bombarded me. Tyler and Korey saw that I was angry and didn't say anything. I fall onto my bed and let out a scream into my pillow. Why does this have to be so hard? I hate this! Another headache starts to pour in.

I walk into my bathroom. My hand bumps into the door frame. I feel liquid start to trickle out of it. I lift up my hand. It's bleeding. I rinse my hand thoroughly and put a cloth over it. I look at my phone. Nichole texted me. She didn't go with Stella or the other girls because she had to visit her family. I open up the message. It's the usually she loves me and hopes everything is okay.

I look into the mirror. My hair is all over the place. Of course it's still curly at the ends, but the straightness is getting down to there. I might as well get a haircut. My skin is so pale right now. I'm paler than Niall! My eyes are still the same color blue but are slowly turning gray. I shake my head and head downstairs.

"Tyler? Korey? Can we go to get a hair cut for me?" I ask.

They nod and grab the car keys. The ride to the hair place was really quiet. Korey dropped us off while he went to get food. We walk in and it seems pretty empty. Tyler tells the lady at the desk I came in here for a hair cut. She brings me back and has me sit down.

"So Larry, how much do you want off?" she asks running her hand through my hair.

I take out my phone and fine a picture of Niall. His hair length is a pretty good one. I show her the picture.

"Ahh, a Niall cut. You don't want to dye it right?" she asks.

I press my lips together. It wouldn't hurt, at least I don't think. Maybe I'll just die it a lighter shade of color. Maybe Liam's? No that's stupid. Louis and Harry will kill me if I dye my hair. I shake my head at the lady. She nods and starts to cut my hair.

Inch by inch, my hair is falling to the ground. After 20 minutes of cutting my hair, she finishes it. She blow dries it quickly and starts to style it. A few minutes later, it's Niall's hair. I smile at her and tell her thanks. Tyler pays and we go outside where Korey is waiting for us.

"Whoa Larry. Rocking Niall's hair?" Korey asks.

"Yup," I say.

I grab a beanie and pull it over my head. I don't want the paps knowing about this just yet. We go back home and start to eat Nandos. I'm not very hungry. I eat a bit but decide I can't eat much. I walk back upstairs and pull out my lap top. I turn on the TV as well. I flip the channels to the news. They're doing a whole story about me. Calling me Larry Stylinson and what not. Over the years, that name is starting to annoy me. It's Larry Styles Tomlinson. Not Stylinson. Plus I rather go by Jake. It's a better name than Larry that's for sure.

I go on my twitter account where a lot of people are talking about me. A lot of people were saying they saw the resemblance between me and Louis. Some of them were hating on Eleanor for "Stealing" Louis away from Harry. That really just made me snap. I'm not going to let them do that to Eleanor!

Guys, stop threatening Eleanor. She's a great mum for me and she didn't steal Louis away from Harry. I'm fine that my parents aren't together. It doesn't matter to me.

Instantly people retweet it and reply to it. It seems that Eleanor saw it too. She replied to it.

@OfficialLarry Thank you love! You are the best son ever. Love you! Xx

I smile at it and keep looking through the tweets. I start to hear beeping from my computer. It's a video chat request from Liam. I didn't realize I was logged into skype. I adjust my beanie and accept the call.

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now