Chapter 13

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Larry's POV

Eleanor's funeral is in a few days. I want to be there so badly, but I can't. I have chemo that day and I promised Eleanor I would do every single one. I know she loves me and she would do anything for me. I smile at the thought of my mum. I know she wasn't my real one, but I love to think she was. I feel something snuggle into my side. I look down to find Ellie's blue eyes staring at me. She hasn't asked for Eleanor. I think she knows she's not here. I run my hand through her chocolate brown hair and look up. Louis and Harry are standing at the door way talking quietly.

I can't help but think that they will never be together. Louis has been acting weird ever since Eleanor died. Mostly around me and Harry. I know this must be hard for him; it's been hard for all of us. Stella and Korey more. They haven't left their rooms, or so that's what I was told. Many people on twitter who gave her hate are now giving her respect. It's remarkable what happens to people when a person dies.

My dads walk in, putting on a fake smile. I know Harry never really liked El, but he's taking this hard too. Louis sits down on the bottom of the bed while Harry sits down in the chair. I give them a small smile. They give me the same back but their faces turn blank right after. I twiddle my thumbs looking at them.

"We're sorry that you can't come," Louis croaks.

His voice is hoarse. It was also abnormally low. I shrug at his words. I may not be there, but Eleanor would have understood why I couldn't. He sighs and takes Ellie away. He's been spending a lot of time with her. I think it's mostly because she looks like Eleanor. I smile at Harry as he lets out a quick breath and smiles at me. I open up my arms for him. He knows what I want. He stands up and hugs me. I breathe in his smell like I used to. I missed hugging him.

"I missed you," I whisper.

"I missed you too," he whispers back kissing the top of my head.

I cough a few times remembering the drugs were still going through my body. I hate chemo, but it's for the best. I've met a few people here who are in the same situation as me. I met a boy named Sean. He's a great friend. He's getting better and better everyday which I'm happy about. Nobody that great should die. Harry leaves to get something to eat quickly. I decide to pay a visit to Sean.

I stand up weakly and walk to his room. It's next door to me so it isn't far. I knock on the door and walk in. he's sitting on his bed on his lap top. He turns and smiles at me. He's wearing his snap back like Niall does. His dark brown hair is starting to grow back. I walk over to his bed and sit down. He's older but he doesn't treat me like a little kid. I look at what he's doing. He's on a site called Wattpad. I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What's that?" I ask pointing.

"Nothing," he says while blushing.

He changes the tab to twitter. Hmm...I will find out Sean! I stay in his room for about 30 minutes just talking away with him. I know he'll be leaving soon. His cancer is almost gone and I'll miss seeing him everyday. He promised he would visit me everyday. I say bye to him and hug him when the nurse comes in. I give him a final wave and smile and walk back to my room. I jump back into my bed and stare at the ceiling and smile thinking of Eleanor.

Sean's POV (hehe SURPRISE SEAN! :D)

I know how Larry feels. Having this sickness is terrible. I'm glad I am able to over come it. I smile as the nurse does her routine. My parents are working so I have to stay here. Well, actually, I should just go to Larry's room. I fix my hat adjusting it just right. I'm in jeans and a red and black striped shirt. The nurse walks out, but I follow right behind her. I walk into Larry's room. He's staring at the ceiling. Probably thinking about Eleanor. I feel someone bump into me. I turn to fine Harry freaking Styles staring at me. I might just faint.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Are you a friend of Larry's?" he asks.

He looks like he's been crying. I don't blame him, I was crying when I found out Eleanor died. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I just nod and speed walk to Larry's bed. He smirks and laughs at me. I narrow my eyes trying to make him stop but it just makes him laugh harder.

"Sean, when you try to look mad, you look more like a baby panda pouting," he laughs.

"Whatever," I mumble looking down.

I hear footsteps come closer to me. I look up and see 3 other people standing there. I know who they are. Niall, Nichole, and Tyler. Tyler is looking mighty fine if I do say so myself. I smile at them and wave. I really don't know why I'm so shy right now. I let out a groan and let my back hit the bed.

"Don't mind Sean, he's a little weird today," Larry giggles.

I shoot straight up and whine, "No I'm not!"

"Sure your not," Tyler winks.

Did he just? No, but did? He couldn't of? What!? Oh my god, I'm secretly fan girling over Tyler Oakley winking at me. Lord thank you!

Louis' POV

I took Ellie with me to our new house. I'm having Larry move in with me and Ellie. I've talked to Harry about it. He's getting a flat next to ours so he can see him. I still don't why he doesn't find someone. I take Ellie out of her car seat and take her inside. I moved everything in. I'm surprised that I managed to get EVERYTHING. I put her on the couch and let her watch TV

I walk into the kitchen and think. I've been feeling something weird when I'm around Harry. I don't know what to think about it. When El died, I promised I wouldn't fall in love again. I love El so much to do move on from her. I mean really, I have a daughter with her! But I also have a son with Harry. No Louis! You love Eleanor.

I groan and slam my head against the counter. I can't think about this now. I have to get ready for Eleanor's funeral in a few days. I wonder what Ellie will think about her not having a mom around. Oh Eleanor, I wish you here right now...


[A/N] SHUD UP I KNOW IT WAS SHORT D: Okay soooo....NEW CHARACTER ;) SEAN!!! Based off of irockfusions077 he's amazing check out his Niam fan fic and his Niall Horan fan fic. BRILLIAM!

Sorry about the shortness...I'm just in a slight bad mood...I hate the sevies at my school -_- if you don't know what that is, they're basically seventh graders who are annoying as fuck. So yeah...I don't mean to offend you if you're a 7th grader right now.

Only a chapters left...yes this was a small book BUT book THREE will come! I will post the teaser of the book at the end of this book and maybe some facts again (: okay hope you enjoyed and I PROMISE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE AS LONG AS I CAN MAKE IT!!

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now