Chapter 12

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Larry's POV

The guys left a bit ago. I hear commotion coming from outside my door. What could be going on here? I stand up and walk slowly to my door. I open it and peak out. I see doctors yelling and dragging a girl into the elevator. Before it closes, I see who it is. Eleanor. I feel my tears start to hit. I walk as quickly as I can to my phone. I shakily dial Louis' number. Ellie is still in my bed looking at me with wide eyes.

"Hey Larry!" Louis' cheerful voice says.

"Da-Daddy, do you know where Eleanor is?" I stutter trying not to show that I'm crying.

"Um, the guys told me she went to star bucks to think for a bit. She should be coming home soon why?" he asks concerned.

"I s-saw her. She's in the hospital. There's something really wrong," I sob.

I hear the phone drop. People start yelling for Louis to wake up. Someone answers the phone.

"Hello?" the Irish accent rings.

"Niall? Come to the hospital now. I saw Eleanor being taken away by doctors. Hurry," I cry.

"We're coming." the phone line goes dead.

I sit down on my bed and sob into my hands. My only mom is hurting. I feel a little hand on my side. I turn to see my little sister worried. She finds her way to my lap and looks at me with her blue eyes. I sniff and wipe away my tears. What do I tell her? She's only 2.

Louis' POV

I passed out when I heard what Larry said. I woke up sometime during the deathly car ride to the hospital. Once we parked, I raced in inside. I yelled for the people to tell me what was going on, they didn't say a word.

Now, I'm sitting in the waiting area with Nichole and Stella. The guys went up to Larry's room. I've been so freaking nervous right now. I need to know what's happening, what made this happen, and why she's here for it.

I shiver at the thought of her getting hurt. I love Eleanor so much right now. I fiddle around in my chair. I can't take this! I get up and decide to go to Larry's room. On the way, the guys are walking out. They give me a sad smile. I walk in to find Larry staring at the wall. He glances at me and pulls off his beanie. He's starting to bald from the chemo. Ellie is looking at me with a huge smile. She's too young to know what's going on.

I sit down on Larry's bed while Ellie crawls into my lap. She looks so much like Eleanor. I try not to let the tears fall down while I look at Larry. He sighs and pulls out his lap top. He pats the side. I nod and move over next to him. He positions himself between my legs while Ellie is snuggled on my side. I feel Larry lean back on my chest while turning on the twit cam. This position is fine since he's my son.

I pull out my phone and send a quick tweet telling everyone we're doing a twit cam. Larry pulls on his beanie again. He probably thinks he ugly looking like this. He's not. He's amazingly beautiful. Yes, my son is beautiful. He's been that way since the first day I saw him and he was in my arms. The twit cam starts and there's at least 50,000 people watching.

"Hi guys," Larry croaks smiling.

I read all the comments. Most of them are saying how he's feeling and that it's adorable how we're position. We answer a few questions and give out a few shout outs. The nurse came in and gave Larry food which he didn't want to eat. I ate it though, I was quite hungry. Larry threw a bit of cake in my face and gave what was left to Ellie. It's amazing how he loves Ellie so much.

"Shout out to Brooklyn from Canada! What's up babe?" Larry smiles.

He's so cheeky like Harry. I pinch his cheek. There's a soft knock at the door. Liam and Jay walk in and aww at us.

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now