Chapter 7

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Liam's POV

Harry started to grow pale. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and passed out. The doctors are making sure it was just a faint from being in shock. I probably would have done the same if I wasn't breathing calmly. My heart literally dropped when I heard that.

Stella stays with Harry while Tyler takes us to Larry's room. I can tell Louis is about to burst into tears. Actually, we all are about to. A person we love has cancer and we don't know if he's going to live. Tyler slowly opens the door. We all hold our breaths for the sight.

I first look around the room. The walls are white, making everything seem cold and dark. There's a single TV with a few chairs and a window seat. My eyes go to the bed. The monitor has a constant beep of Larry's heart beat. Larry is pale and has bruises all on his face. I feel the tears start to brim at my eyes. He looks so fragile.

The door opens again to Stella and Harry. Harry takes one look at his son and breaks down in tears. Louis does the same when the first sob comes. Pretty soon, we're all in tears. We should have seen it sooner. This could have been prevented.

"Guys?" a small voice comes.

We all lift our heads up to the meet the blue eyed boy. Jay is the first one to react and hugs him. We all surround him in hugs. Larry seems pretty distant to us. He takes Jay's phone and makes a phone call as we get out of the circle. Who is this boy calling?

"Yeah, that hospital. Sure you can bring him. Yeah but you can't smoke here. Whatever bye!" Larry says in a happy tone.

He's never that happy with us anymore. He hands Jay her phone and looks back at us. His face was happy when he was talking on the phone. Now his face is changed. It has a hard look on it and looks mad at us.

"What are you guys doing here," he mumbles.

"Larry you're in the hospital. We had to see if you were okay," Harry says holding back the tears.

Larry laughs a coldly then shoots us a glare.

"Nice to know you guys care about me when I'm in the hospital," he says sarcastically.

"We always cared about you Larry," Louis says stepping up.

"BULL SHIT!" he screams back.

We all take a step back. Jay doesn't seem to be fazed by the cursing. What has been happening while we were gone?

"Don't use that kind of language!" Harry yells.


The heart monitor starts to go crazy. The doctors rush in and give him something to calm down. Harry looks broken right now. Larry usually called him dad instead of Harry. After they calm him down, they tell us we can't get his heart rate up. Larry stares at the wall in front of him.

"Um, well, we're going to go to the cafeteria. Anyone wanna come with us?" Nichole announces.

"Nah, just have your "fun" with Nialler," Zayn winks. (A/N: You're welcome Nichole *Wiggles eyebrows with creepy smile*)

Niall blushes like a school girl. I slap the back of Zayn's head.

"Ow!?" Zayn yells.

"Not the time smart one!" I say harshly.

"Well then, we will go," Zayn says leaving with them.

Tyler, Korey, Stella, and Ellie go with them. Jay, Harry, Louis and I stay in the room with Larry. I really want to know what made Larry this cold. I also want to know what made my daughter hate me completely. The doctor comes in and smiles at us. Why the hell is smiling!? Larry has freaking cancer! That's nothing to be happy about! Wait, does Larry even know!?

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now