Chapter 9

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[A/N] soo I know this is kinda early BUT what do you thinks about a third book? Hmm? (: I got an idea for if you guys are up for it (: anyways! Your comments say that this is depressing...yes but it will get happy! Or will it o.O

Oh and read this! There is no updating schedule at the moment. I will inform you when the schedule comes out.


Larry's POV

I bite my lip as I'm about to walk out of the hospital. I put on a pair of sunglasses and a dark hoodie. I rather not be seen like this. I look terrible.

Nat is a dumb ass. He almost got arrested for having drugs. I groan as I see flashes of lights go through the glass doors. We have to go to an interview to explain everything. I have to admit, in front of millions of viewers, that I have leukemia. That's messed up right there.

Paul pushes though through the paps. I keep my head down. I hate this. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I look u and Harry is staring straight forward. I didn't shrug it away like I usually do. I'm actually starting to like him, but I don't know if it's a good idea. We go into the car and my sister jumps into my lap. She always makes me smile.

She rambles on about something that happened in her day care. She has the energy of Louis but looks like Eleanor. I continue to my little sister while looking at El. She looks almost upset. She's never upset! I feel Ellie lean back on my chest and start to snore. I love my sister. I rest my head on top of hers. God, I'm tired.

The car stops and I can already hear the girls screaming. I put my hood up followed by ear plugs. I rather not get deaf right now. I hold onto Ellie and shuffle out of the door. I can still hear their screams. Some of them even are asking for a kiss from me. They're so crazy. I feel Ellie stir in her sleep. We finally get inside after many minutes and sit down. I give my sister to El and walk to the interviewer place. I'm alone so I'm guessing this is just an interview for me.

A lady comes in and smiles. She's must be as old as Stella! I smile at her while taking off my sunglasses and hood. I plug the ear plugs out of my ears and wait for her to ask something. She sits down next to me. A camera man starts to record.

"Hey there Larry. How are things," she asks.

"I'm fine," I fake smile.

She nods, "So let's just cut to the chase. You've recently been to the hospital and there were many rumors spreading. Can you please clear things up?"

I feel my heart pounding against my chest. I bite my lip and nod. I feel like I'm going to cry now. I take in a deep breath and start to talk.

"Well, I was admitted to the hospital after passing out. I've been getting constant headaches and I've started to bleed and bruise pretty quickly. The doctors found out what was wrong," I pause trying not to have my voice crack, "I have Leukemia."

Her face falls completely. I look at the camera man. I see pity in his eyes. I hate it. I shrug and give the girl a small smile.

"I'm actually okay dealing with it. I'm starting treatment and I'm just hoping this will blow away," I say pushing the tears back.

The girl just sits there stunned. The camera shuts off. That's my cue to leave. I stand up and walk out looking for my family. I hear running behind me and I turn. Ellie jumps into my arms with Jay following behind her. I feel my stomach start to feel queasy. I give Ellie to Jay and walk out. I need time to think.

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now