The purple lion

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Your new friend hurtled you through space. "Where am I going!" You screamed at the lion. The lion roared in response and you closed your eyes, the lion was speaking to you

"I'm taking you somewhere, you must trust me." You become slightly uneasy,

 "O-okay girl, or are you a boy?" The lion chuckled and you opened your eyes. You felt like puking, but meditated enough to control the overcoming wave of puke. The lion sped you through space once more.

Meanwhile, Allura and the palidans had just found the red lion and were safely back at the castle.

 "Okay, so we now have the red lion, is that good enough?"Lance asked impatiently

 "No! You can't form Voltron without a heart! I'm trying to get some sort of signal from the lion!" Allura exclaimed, clearly frustrated. Just as Allura shouted at Lance, the floor began to rumble. Most paladins kept their footing, except Hunk. 

 "Well, if something's outside, we should go, being paladins of Voltron and all that now."Pidge said, fixing her glasses.

You opened your eyes. Your lion had brought you to what appeared to be a castle. You glanced down and 7 people had swords and guns pointed at you. 

 "It's the purple lion!" The one with white hair said, clearly happy. Her ears struck you as elf like, but you ignored that. 

 "Are we certain a paladin is in there?" The leader one asked. You recognized him almost immediately. It was Takashi Shirogane, the one that went on the Kerberos mission. Still, you didn't know the others so you grabbed and cocked the gun you had with you in a panic. You also grabbed your bike helmet and slipped it on, and made sure your face was hidden well. You began to walk out

 "Who are you?"Shirogane asked. You didn't respond, shaking as you aimed at him. You pulled the trigger and shot a warning shot right above his head. He remained calm.

 "Such precision, she must be well trained, quite amazing."The white haired woman said excitedly. You glanced at the others, shocked by what you saw. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance all stood in front of you, looking at you with hatred. 

"Hunk? Pidge? Lance?" You asked, still in shock.

 "Do we know you?" Pidge inquired. You reloaded the gun and aimed it at the old dude in response.


Your hand shivered slightly as the one with the mullet yelled at you. "Mullet boy, I don't have time for games."You say, a slight annoyance in your voice. 

 "You know them!"He exclaims.

 "Yeah, no duh Einstein. I went to the Garrison too."The look on all their faces makes you almost burst out laughing.

 "We come in peace. Don't fight us, though. We outnumber you and aren't afraid to hit you and kill you."Shirogane says. Your lion roars at them loudly.

 "Now, I ask again, who are you?"Shirogane asks again. You pointed the gun at Pidge and fired above her head again.

 "He's shooting at us! We have to do something!" Hunk said in a panic. You stopped dead in your tracks and begin to laugh. All the paladins looked confused.

 "He?" You asked.

 "Yeah, you." Hunk stated like it was a basic fact you should know. You stopped laughing. 

 "I- never mind."

 Hunk glanced around. Shirogane began talking.

 "I'm Shiro, this is Allura, Coran, and Keith, since you seem to know those three " He gestured at Hunk, Lance, and Pidge. You took off your helmet.

" I'm (y/n), nice to meet you. "

Lance, Pidge, and Hunk 's mouths gaped open.

"You're the weird one." Lance said still in shock . Tears began to well up in your eyes as you felt your mind go blank with sadness. You opened your mouth only to be cut off.

"Great job, Lance. Now she's crying." Keith said exhausted. You opened your mouth again and glared at all three of them.

 "I didn't ask to be this way! I didn't ask to be born! I wish I was normal! I know I'm a byproduct of something horrible and therefore I'm horrible! I'm sorry I ever got the chance to know you! I'm sorry I exsist!" As soon as the last words came out of your mouth, you fell to the ground, crying harder than you felt like you ever had before. You raised your voice again, and the three of them braced themselves for more horrible things, and that's exactly what you said. " It's people like you! They are the reason I try! The reason I try to die! I wish I could let go! But I live for one person, who needs me! When I'm around them, I feel needed! I feel" You struggled to get the words out


 You began to lift your face up and sing "Oh by the way, here's something my mom used to sing to me,

Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
I'm just a sad song

With you, I fall
It's like I'm leaving all my past and silhouettes up on the wall
With you, I'm a beautiful mess
It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge"

You finished with no breath, and just looked at them. Hunk and Lance were crying and Pidge looked guilty. Keith, Shirogane, Allura and Coran stood mouths wide open.

 "I have to go" You said, pushing past them and into the castle. 

 "Coran, I think we all finally see what you mean when you say the purple paladin had been through a lot ."  Shiro said, still surprised by the outburst 

A/n: I'm so sorry about the cliffhanger!!!!!!!! I feel so bad!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, the song is sad song (quite fitting if I do say so myself) by we the kings. Seems we learn a little more about purple, hmmmm? Anyways, I want to ship her with someone, but I'm stuck. Between like everyone lol. 

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