Why does it hurt

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You watched Keith closely for the next few days. He was giddy, almost. At least around Lance he was. Lance kept up his flirty act around you, but you brushed him off. He was hurt at first but after time he gave up. You didn't care that your heart pounded. Keith looked so happy, so you were too. Over the past week or so, you two had grown close. 

 "Hey (y/n)" 

 " yeah keith? " 

 "Can, I uh have some help? It's with Lance. He seems to hate me." Your face contorted into shock. Lance barely hated anyone. You put your hand on his clasped ones, using the best comforting voice you could muster. 

 "Lance doesn't hate you. He just needs to warm up to the idea." Keith smiled weakly. 

 " Thanks, I have to go. " He stood up and you waved him off and sat there in silence, looking down. You jolted your head up as the door opened to the room.

 "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Hunk sat down next to you. You smiled.

 " Yeah, why? " 

 "Because you're lying about being okay." Your face fell as his eyes looked into yours. You glanced off and tears welled up in your eyes.

 " Keith likes lance. And normally I can control my emotions. It's a power i have, but my feelings for lance are too strong. I'm so used to feeling nothing, Hunk. So why does this hurt? " tears spilled down your cheeks. Hunk pulled you close. Your eyes widened as he whispered.

 "It's okay. (Y/n), you're too strong to be hurt. Too selfless to take lance for yourself. That's just who you are. don't change it." Hunk let go of you as you looked into his eyes again. They were filling with tears as well.

 " Oh gosh! Hunk dont cry! I'm really not worth it. Okay? don't waste precious tears on someone you don't care about. " You smiled sweetly at him and he frowned.

 "I care. Lance cares. Keith cares. everyone cares, so don't tell yourself no one does." He stood up and began to walk out.


 " Yeah? "

 "Thank you."

 " no problem (y/n). " he left you in the room, alone once more. But this time, you smiled to yourself. Your heart was pounding. Did you like hunk? No, that's impossible. You shook your head as the intercom blared.

 "Paladins! Too your hangars now!"


Hoi! I will be updating this story and team two step every saturday and I apologize for being dead. School kinda got in my way! Hope you enjoyed! Toodles!

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