The dying planet

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You raced down to your hangar with panic in your movements. Allura accented voice came through your helmet 

 "A planet is in the verge of death! You must help it!" You heard Lance groan and Shiro respond.

 " yes Princess. We can try our best. "

 "Good luck paladins." The door opened and you led purple out. The other 5 lions met you right outside the atmosphere of the planet. Shiro reminded you basic facts and all the lions dove in. The greenery grew closer the further down you got. Once landed, you got out of your lion and put your hand on her head.

 "It won't be long purple. I'll be safe girl." she purred in response and you ran to catch up with the others. 

 " Stay sharp. None of us can get lost. " You nodded and looked around. Keith held his hand up and all of you stopped. Out of nowhere he jumped in front of Lance and a dude with a sword appeared. Lance screamed and grabbed Keith as you, pidge, hunk, and Shiro scrambled off. You heard the sound of metal on metal and figured Keith had drawn his Bayard. 

 "Paladins we need to split up. (Y/n) with Pidge. Hunk you're with me." The three of you nodded and went separate directions. You and Pidge circled the perimeter when she finally spoke.

 " All clear (y/n). You look pale, are you okay? " You nodded and swallowed the fear rising in you. This was your first time in battle since Lotor and you had a sinking feeling he was behind this chaos.

 "I just think... This is Lotors doing."

 " Duh. We can't tell unless he shows though.let's get back to the others. do you need anything else? " Pidge's eyes were filled with concern. You pulled her into a hug.

 "Thanks pidge. I guess I should talk to you more often." Pidge hugged back slowly.

 " Guess you should. " You let go and smiled at each other before creeping back to the center. The man lay unconscious on the ground and Keith was helping lance up.

 "You good?" Lance asked keith. He nodded and looked in you direction, balancing his sword out again.

 " Yo, chill! " Pidge said, holding her hands up. Keith laughed and Lance stared at him, dumbfounded. 

 "Mr. Kogane can laugh?" He said, smirking. Keith rolled his eyes as Shiro and hunk reappeared. They both looked very concerned.

 "We managed to find villagers. They say there is not enough love on this planet to keep it healthy. So they're leading us to the heart to see what we can do." Shiro explained, crossing his arms. You followed him over to the clearing and an alien woman stood there, wrinkles covering the corners of her eyes and she had very prominent smile lines. She spoke not a word, but led you down a path into a cave. The walls inside were covered in cave art and were clearly worshipped by the locals as gifts had been left out. You walked further into the cave and looked around in awe. The walls glistened pink and you were so absorbed by them you didn't even notice you stopped until you bumped into Shiro.

 "Sorry!" You said, flustered . He smiled and looked up. 

 "The heart of the planet." Hunk mumbled. It was a huge magenta crystal that shone with power. But even the naked eye could tell it was dying. It faded in and out of the light and sometimes stopped glowing for a few seconds on end. 

 "Thank you paladins.This is where I leave you. Do what you can and try to save our planet." She bowed and made her way out of the cave. You let out your breath. 

 " I vote Keith and Lance show a little love so this planet can live. " You say, sitting on a rock.

 "Gross!" Lance responds and playfully sticks his tongue out at Keith who chuckles and turns away. Pidge sits next to you, followed by Shiro then hunk. The rock has no more room left and you raise an eyebrow.

 "Guess it has to be you two. C'mon show some love." You say, reading them. Keith goes pink and Lance flushes a deep red. 

 "F-fine!" Lance says.

 " I'll hug him! " Lance puts his arms around Keith and the planet flickers back. They jump apart and you laugh.

 "The planet likes it! Keep going!" Pidge states, sipping the water she brought. Hunk giggles as they get closer.

 "For God's sake!" You say, smashing their faces together. The crystal roars to life as you hold their heads in place. After a minute you let go and they both slap you at the same time.

 " worth it!  The planet's alive! " You say, jumping for joy. Both boys are crimson and you roll your eyes. 

 "Well, if I had the choice, I would say mission one is a success. " Shiro says, shaking his head while laughing. You smiled as Pidge leads the team out to the awaiting lions


so I wanted to shine some love on Pidge baby! I love her and just now realized how un included she'd been! I'm planning on doing a Halloween theme one, so keep your eyes peeked! Hehehe bye lovelies! 

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