Halloween part one

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Halloween was approaching quickly according to Hunk, who had been keeping count since last halloween. Most of the team was too busy for the "childish" holiday, but you were excited. 

 "Hunk, the castle needs to be decorated." You say, lugging a box to the main room. Fake spiders and cobwebs spilled over the side. His eyes lit up as you set the box down with a thud.

 " I know! It'll only be 5 hours! " You shot up straight.

 "5 hours!?!?" You say, wiping the sweat from your brow. Hunk laughed and nodded. You both figured standing wouldn't kill the time, so you began to unpack all fifty boxes. 

Time passes slowly and eventually you two have everything strewn out. You place your hands on your hips, biting your lip. You knew something was missing. You just couldn't place your finger on it.  Then it hit you like a brick to the head. You whipped around to face hunk.

 "HUNK!!!! WE FORGOT COSTUMES!!!!!" He laughed. 

 " I have something better. " You cocked your head to the side. Her out a finger over his lips and went back to whistling. You continued, burning with curiosity. Hunk never kept secrets. Especially from you. 

Time skip: 5.5 hours (hehehe hunk lied)

You flopped down on the comfy material that made your bed. You were exhausted from setting up, but the castle looked great to say the least. A faint knock came from the door. You opened it and saw keith. He looked nervous as you ushered him in. You'd grown close to everyone, but Keith was something else. He sat on your bed and you leaned up on a desk.


 " I uh. I want to confess. "

 "What!?!?" You stated at him for a solid five seconds. He looked at his hands, suddenly fascinated in a loose thread in his gloves. You rubbed your temples.

 " Keith.. Think it through then come back. " he nodded and left. You walked out soon after him. 

 "Oof!" You rubbed your head and saw shiro. Why were you always literally bumping into this guy? He smiled.

 " I think you're really becoming a part of voltron again."

You smirked and saluted him. He looked at you and shook his head. Sometimes you were unexplainable. You strolled casually down the hallway before something huge and black swallowed you and your screams up. 

A/N PART ONE. FIVE PARTS. I THINK. :3 this is short. Apologies.

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