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~two hours later~

We all sat down on the huge table at Michael's Mother's house. She is so sweet, I've totally fallen for her kindness and loving way of everything she does.
I've met his sister too, Janet. She really is a lot like Michael.

"Michael, son I'm very happy you found a love" his mother smiled at Jenny and she smiled back. "So Jason what do you work?" Janet smiled at him. He licked his lips getting nervous "I'm a police officer" he slowly said "oh dear that's so great" Michael's mother smiled "I always wanted Michael to be a police officer and protect people." She said.

"But he decided to be boring and work in that office" Janet said and we all laughed "yeah how awful I'm rich and literally don't have to work" he rolled his eyes.

"But I think you two fit really well" Paris smiled at me and Jason "thank you" I smiled taking Jason's hand. "How old are you?" Paris asked him smiling "42" he whispered and they nodded.

"What about you?" Janet asked "I'm 18" I smiled. Others maybe ashamed but fuck it. I think love is love. No age, no race, no sex. I'm proud of it.

Alex suddenly hit his drink with his elbow "watch were you put your hands boy damn!" Michael yelled at his, he immediately started crying as Jenny quickly grabbed some towels to clean up.

"I think it's wrong to yell at him like that" Jason said, the whole room looked at him. Michael's face.. Priceless haha! He was exploding with anger "who asked you?" He raised his eyebrow at him.

"It was an accident. Just because you're clearly unhappy in your life doesn't mean you can let it out on him" Jason said and my eyes widened, I'm loving this. "What the fuck do you think you know about my life?!" His voice got deeper as the rage clearly raised inside him.

"And I think it's wrong to cuss around when he is around" Jason leaned back. Michael slammed his fist on hard against the table getting up, leaning over to Jason "and I think it's fucking wrong for your grown ass to date a 18 your old girl"-"Michael that's enough." His mother said getting louder too.

Michael turned around and took Alex from Paris "thanks for dinner" he said still sounding angry "no you're staying." His mother demanded, he looked at her for a while. I looked down trying hard not to laugh.

"Calm down Mikey" Jenny said caressing his arm. I rolled my eyes, even forgot she was here lol. Michael sat back down "let me tell you something, if these people are happy then let them be. There is nothing more important than being happy in life." Michael's mother said.

"Yea" I said looking at michael. He looked up at me and I smiled taking Jason's hand.

~an hour later~

Me and Jason were in my car, I drove him home "that was fun" he laughed, I smiled at him "I bet he's gonna be so pissed but he knows he can't do shit about it" l laughed.

He turned to me "call me if you need me" he pulled me close to a hug "I will, thank you so much" I replied looking up at him. "Anytime, really." I kissed his cheek and he left.

I drove back home and kicked my shoes off, sat on the kitchen table to check out my phone, Facebook and stuff. Haven't done it for a long time. After a few minutes Paris walked in taking a bottle of water.

"Jason seems really nice" she said and I looked up at her smiling "I know right"-" but sorry about my dad he must have been pissed because of Jenny" she whispered laughing.

"It getting late I better get to bed" she yawned. I nodded and got up "yea me too" I walked to my room "good night" she whispered and I kissed her cheek. I got undressed and took my make up off.

I don't feel like putting clothes on.. I laid down and turned the little light on my nightstand off.
I was about to fall asleep when my door swung open making a loud sound, I quickly turned the light on to look at Michael. I got up.

He closed the door and walked towards me, my heart began to race "what do you want?" I whispered still in shock. Every step he took closer to me made me feel more uncomfortable since I realized going to bed without clothes wasn't that good of an idea..

His eyes were heavy red, he's probably high.. He got in my face "what the fuck was that?" He growled as his hand wrapped firmly around my arm "what do you mean?" I looked up at him smiling.

"You think it's funny?" He hissed pressing me up against a wall "how you act yea, you know damn well we ain't together and I don't have to explain myself to you" I stared at him. He shoock his head "Keyla you don't understand, do you?" He looked almost like he was about to cry.

"I'm dying, I can't sleep, eat.. Think straight. I feel like I can't breath" a little tear rolled down his cheek. My heart hurt.. I feel so sorry for making him feel like that.

"I can't get your flavor out of my mind. I tasted you.. And I perceived that I'm starving. Baby save me I'm falling so hard" he whispered, crying harder as his knees weakened "Michael.. Sit down" I said trying to get him over to the bed. I'm.. Speechless about his breakdown..

He laid back and covered his face with his hands, I kneeled beside him. "Hey" I whispered caressing his arm "it's okay, I'm sorry.." I struggle around with finding the right words to say.

"I was completely fine with those damn drug issues, this fucking depression and that hell of a mind fuck" he said up, looking deep into my eyes. "And you just walk in here.." He paused to breath for a second "and I don't know what the fuck you're doing to me but it cuts so damn deep".

Tears formed in my eyes too.. I hated to see him suffer like that. "Everything seemed to be okay but you.. Damn Keyla you made life hard for me, you make me crazy in a way I can't describe.. You make me alive. Keyla you complete me and this damn pain in my chest is killing me" he sounded kind of angry but so lost at the same time.

Although I was touched by his words I was completely shocked at his mantal breakdown "I'm dying to have you, call you mine. Fuck marry me Keyla" he roughly cupped my face, I got scared by now "let's run away! You're gonna marry me tonight" he had that insane smiled on.

"Michael" I whispered so lost for words "let's go to sleep and.." My voice trailed off.. I just didn't know what to say or think. He sat back down "you don't want me, do you? You don't crave me the way I crave you" he whispered staring down "I do but.. I'm just.. Really tired. How about we talk about this tomorrow?".

I wanted him bad to get rid of his intoxication.. He looked at me "at least I can lay with you tonight" he half smiled "yea" I smiled hoping he would calm down. He laid down and pulled me towards him. I rested my head on his chest "do you hear my heart, beautiful?" He caressed my cheek.

"Yea" I whispered. "It beats only for you" his voice became soft again. We laid there for hours.. In silence, both lost in thoughts..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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