Alex Standall (smut)

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If you don't like smut then skip this chapter. Do not complain I have already warned you before hand. I am also new to writing smut so this will be sort of embarrassing but okay here we go.

Alex was your boyfriend for about 6 months now but even after spending so much time with him. You still couldn't trust him and especially around Jessica even though they are just friends but she used to date him before. You felt like he is going to leave you any moment because of Jessica considering how pretty, popular and "perfect" she was. Yes you were extremely jealous.

"Hey y/n! Jessica invited us to her party are you going to come?" Alex asked you during lunch.

"Are you going?" You asked looking down at your food.

"Yes." He said smiling at you.

"Wow but I thought you hated parties." You said rolling your eyes.

"Yeah but it's Jessica's party." He said looking at you with a confused look on his face.

"Why is that so special?" You looked at him.

"Wait, what do you mean?" He said truly confused.

"Yeah I'll go." With that you stood up and walked away.

"What's up with y/n today?" Alex whispered under his breath 

*Time skip to the party*

You arrived with Alex. You wore a simple blue short dress and  Alex just wore a shirt and jeans. Suddenly Jessica appeared and hugged Alex.

"So glad you made it." She laughed and she looked a little bit drunk.

"Yeah and I only came to this party especially for you." He said laughing.

You rolled your eyes and walked away. Alex looked at you with pure confusion.

You sat next to Clay and Hannah.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be with Alex" Clay said smiling.

"Yes but he looks interested elsewhere." You said looking at Alex and Jessica

"What do you mean?" Hannah says.

"Look at those two love birds." You say pointing at them and then suddenly crying. Clay and Hannah hugged you.

"Why don't you ask him and tell him how you feel." Hannah says.

"He will probably think I'm some clingy girlfriend and it will give him even more reasons to go out with Jessica." You say sadly.

"Look go and tell him." Clay says 

"Okay." You say and muster up courage to go to him.

"Hey Alex. Can I speak to you privately." You say not making any eye contact with Jessica.

"Yeah sure. I need to talk to you as well." Alex says.

"But where. There is no private here. It's a party" You say.

"You can go to my room upstairs." Jessica says.

"Thanks." Alex says.

Both of you arrive inside the room. He sits on the bed.

"Tell me what's wrong." Alex says looking into your eyes.

"What's going on with you and Jessica?" You say in tears

"Nothing is happening." He says

"Are you in love with her again that's what you want to talk about?" You say still looking down.

Alex Standall/Miles Heizer imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now