Alex Standall

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"Y/N! Have you been abducted or some shit?" Jeff whispered next to you. You were again day dreaming about your crush; the one and only Alex Standall! Nobody knew and you didn't want anyone to. You always wondered how you were intrigued by Alex. You barely talked to him. Was it wrong to like someone on the bases of their looks? 

"Is it wrong to like someone because of their looks like shouldn't you like them on the bases of their personality?" You blurt out.

"I'm not your therapist and no! Do you like someone?" He asked quietly. You felt yourself heat up meaning you were blushing.

"That's not the point Jeff! I was just asking." You said. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever it's quite obvious you do like someone!" He replied looking at you smirking.

"Fine I do!" You said quite confidently.

"Who is it? Wait you don't need to tell me! Give me a hint"

"If I say something it will be obvious! His style is that unique!" You said.

"The bleached hair kid... Alex!" He said.

"Yes..." You said looking down.

"Well whatever happens between you two! Good luck!" He said laughing.

"Seriously! I can barely talk to him without getting insecure or stammering." You said rolling your eyes.

"Well look him in the eyes and say; Alex... fuck me!" He said laughing. You went red. 

"What the fuck Jeff?" You said looking at him.

"I'm sorry!" He said shrugging but biting his lip so he wouldn't burst out laughing.

"Jeff you have officially lost it!" You said laughing.

"Who has lost what?" You looked up and saw Alex looking at both of you. He had never approached you guys before. 

"I have lost my virginity!" Jeff said smiling. 

"Good for you?" Alex phrased it like it was more of a question than a statement and he sat down next to Jeff. You kept looking down at your food.

"Why aren't you hanging out with Bryce?" Jeff asked.

"Wait am I not invited here?" Alex asked.

"He didn't mean that. It's that you usually hang out with Bryce and the others." You said looking at him.

"Oh they have been pissing me off lately so I thought maybe I should hang out with different people." He said smiling, giving you butterflies. Jeff looked at you and smirked.

"I have to go and meet Clay see ya both!" Jeff said smirking. You hated him.

"Y/N if you could be animal in the world, who would you be?" Alex asked.

"That's a weird question but maybe a lion!" You replied.


"Because they aren't afraid of anything and they are bold and confident." You said looking down.

"Alex what the fuck. What are you doing here?" Justin interrupted both of you.

"It's my choice where I go and where I want to be!" Alex spat back.

"So basically you ignore us to hang out with her." He said her with such emphasis to show hatred and disgust which made you physically and mentally feel sick.

"No It's because you guys are literally controlling me. I just need a break okay and she has a name Justin." Alex said.

"Fuck you Alex." Justin said and Alex stood up and pushed Justin and they both started pushing one another. You stood up and stood in between them to stop them and Justin accidentally pushed you.

"Fuck Justin!" You said in pain.

"I didn't know you were going to get involved." Justin replied. Justin walked away rolling his eyes.

"Thanks!" Alex said. He grabbed his stomach in pain.

"Are you having your stomach pains again?" You asked.

"It might be that or Justin pushing me! How do you know?" He asked curiously he didn't remember telling you.

"I just do." You shrugged and he smiled.

"Okay Lion catch you later!" He said.

"Why you got to make me so insecure?" You whispered to yourself and he turned around and looked at you.

"Why do you got to be so insecure?" He said. How did he hear you?

"I-" You stammered. He walked towards you.

"Meet at me Monet's after school!" He said.

"Alright!" You replied back and he gently kissed your cheek.

"See you lion!" He said and walked away. You had to tell Jeff.


Alex Standall/Miles Heizer imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now