1.9K 78 38

released: August 7th, 2018 — 7:44PM, Central Time
rated: PG
word count: 833



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"V! V! Look this way!"

"Over here!"

"Show me that handsome face!"

Paparazzi can be extremely annoying towards idols sometimes, but it never really bothered Kim Taehyung.

He just poses, smiles, maybe shows his signature "V" signal and keeps on his way. That's what makes the media go crazy.

No matter how many times his manager, Bang PD, tells him not to provoke the paparazzi, he can't help but to show his cockiness.

What really gets his manager angry, however, is his reaction towards his fans. The idol feels extremely guilty when he only just passes by.

So, naturally, he spends 10 minutes or more taking selfies, giving autographs and talking with his fans.

Mr. Bang finally decided it was enough when the new single called "Stigma" Taehyung dropped quadrupled his fan base.

Taehyung's current personal bodyguard seemed to let the celebrity do whatever he wanted, and that did not please the CEO.

The idol was just outside the BigHit Entertainment building when, yet again, his fans caught up with him. He stood outside for more than an hour socializing with fans when, finally, his bodyguard said that his legs hurt.

Waving goodbye, the two headed off into the building to meet with Mr. Hitman Bang.

"Did you see the little two year old? She was so sweet," Taehyung relished about the "surprise" meet up with his fans just a few minutes ago to his bodyguard.

"I know right!" he answered back and smiled. "I'm sure her mom will be super jealous; you're really famous among 30 year olds."

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the man's joke but couldn't deny it. Statistics did show women in their late 20's to early 30's claimed their favorite idol, was in fact, Kim Taehyung.

Even though the celebrity was 22, women all over Korea had a big, fat crush on the man.

Entering the elevator, a fellow celebrity greeted his senior, bowing.

"Hello," the man said and rose his head to show his pearly whites.

"Hello," Taehyung greeted back and pressed the floor button.

The ride up was silent and awkward, finally stopping at floor 4 where the junior occupant exited, bowed and set off down the hallway.

"I heard Bang's gonna cut his contract before it's outdated," Taehyung gossiped to his bodyguard, frowning at the loss of such a good kid.

"Bang wouldn't! He's too kind," the bodyguard reasoned.

"I don't know...," Taehyung skeptically stated and leaned back against the elevator wall.

"Where'd you even hear that from?" the bodyguard suddenly spoke up.

Taehyung bursted out laughing and playfully hit the man's arm.

"I was just joking!"

The bodyguard frowned and scoffed.

"Your face was so funny," Taehyung barely wheezed, clutching his chest.

"I guess you're an actor for a reason, huh?" the man jokingly answered.

Taehyung nodded forcefully and began to calm himself.

Floor 7. Floor 7, the woman on the speakers informed, almost as if she were the one that opened the elevator doors from the other side.

"Let's go," the bodyguard spoke and the two began to make their way towards Mr. Bang's office.

"Wonder what he's gonna scold about this time," Taehyung huffed, rolling his eyes.

"He only wants what's best for you, Mr. Kim," the man answered, straightening himself up as to look tougher.

"Yeah, you're right," Taehyung gulped and he too straightened himself.

knock knock

"Come in," Mr. CEO Hitman Bang sounded from the other side of the door.

The bodyguard opened it and let Taehyung walk in first. It seemed as though his boss cleaned up a little as papers weren't so disheveled as they were before.

"Taehyung!" Hitman warmly welcomed and gave the younger a big, fatherly hug.

"Bang," Taehyung answered, hugging back and smiling warmly.

"Come, sit," the man released his grip and pointed towards a seat.

"Oh, can you-" Mr. Bang nodded the bodyguard out of the room.

"Oh, yes. Sorry," he bowed and exited.

"What'd you call me in for?" Kim Taehyung asked, crossing his legs comfortably.

"Well, we're changing a few of your staffs," Mr. Bang explained, pulling out three new portfolios.

"Oh, really?" Taehyung gazed at the non-labeled vanilla folders lain in front of him.

"Yes," Mr. Bang explained. "You'll be getting a new background dancer, beautician...,"

"And a new bodyguard."


Hello! I'm honestly extremely excited for this fanfiction.

I've had this bodyguard idea in my mind since the very beginning of my account, and now I finally am able to write it!

It took me a while to truly figure out all the characters and things like that, but I'm very proud about what I've already made.

I knew I wanted to make a story based around the k-pop entertainment industry because its such a uniformed place, and I think I want to base situations off of that.

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed the first part! I love you and stay healthy.<3

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