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released: October 27, 2018– 12:50PM, Central Time
rating: PG14
- crude language
word count: 993

uwu i luv boyfriends


"Hey, Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, knocking on the bathroom door with tired vigor.

"You got my clothes, yet?!" a scream sliced through the door.

Groaning, Jungkook crossed his arms and furrowed his brows, "That's the thing... I don't think I can let you go on that show-"

"And why NOT? Do you not have any extra clothes!?"

"That, and your manager wants to call it off-"

His sentence was cut off by a loud screech booming throughout the restroom and halls. A few heads turned in the process, making Jungkook embarrassingly bow and turn away.

"Well, tell him I'm going to do it! Give me his clothes or something," Taehyung hissed after he ended his high-pitched wail.



"I don't think you should, either."


"I mean... you've been through so much already, and you're, like, 10 minutes late-"


"Uhum, yeah... Aren't you always late?"

"This is all your fault," Taehyung stated. A long sigh resounded from the other side of the restroom door. The idol rested his back against it and slid down, butt now on the cold ground.

"Fine," he softly whispered, eyes blankly staring at a sink. "Okay."

"I don't get why it's such a big deal, though. Aren't you happy you won't be going?"

"Just because I'm always late doesn't mean I don't care," the sentence was barely heard over the sound of their breaths and the barrier of the bathroom door.

"Good. So, uh... Could you come out?" Jungkook awkwardly asked, suspecting the bratty idol to scream curses and keep himself locked inside.

However, the sound of the door clicking caught him off guard. The other's distraught face was seen through the ajar door.

"H-hey...," Jungkook trailed off his greeting as the other monotonously walked towards the exit.

"Mr. Min... that's his name, right?" he asked, frowning as the male walking in front of him didn't respond.

"Ah, well... He's at a restaurant down the street waiting for us...," again, no response. Jungkook settled for the silence and attempted to cover Taehyung's ripped blouse with his hands.

Taehyung stopped in his tracks, looked up, smiled and hurriedly hid his face.

"Stop doing that," he attempted to sneer. However, it sounded more like a child begging his sibling to stop teasing him.

"It's just windy outside," Jungkook started, unaware of Taehyung's actions. "Thought I'd help since you don't have anything underneath-"

"Stop," Taehyung snapped and shoved the younger's hand away as they reached the front doors.

Jungkook frowned to himself as he led the other towards the restaurant. Why is he so upset? I mean, sure, I ruined his clothes and his nose, but did he actually want to be interviewed?

"Um, Taehyung?" he spoke, not giving up just yet.


"Why are you... so upset?"

Taehyung internally scoffed, He's such an idiot.

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it doesn't."

"Okay, yep. That's it," Jungkook growled and grasped the idol's wrist, a breathy gasp escaping Taehyung's mouth.

The two stilled in place, Jungkook's hands wrapped around the other's wrists, in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Wh-" Taehyung started.

"Why, Tae?" Jungkook urged.

"Why, wh-what?"

"Why do you hate me?"

Taehyung shook under the question.

"Hmm, I don't know. Let's replay the events that happened today, shall we?"

"First, you ask me why my last bodyguard was fired! You should've known that I might've been uncomfortable about answering that! Then, you don't even let me talk to my fans. Okay, I get that it's your job, but at least let me take a few pictures!

"But of course, you have to start making stupid ass jokes that make me feel bad! If I'm obviously uncomfortable with it, you should stop. Then, you have the nerve to comment about me in a robe?! Like WHAT THE FUCK?!

"That isn't even where it stops! You attempt to make me feel better (which, by the way, doesn't help), but then your big-ass head makes my nose bleed!! AND THEN I PASS OUT??? Not only that, do you remember what I said about your helping not working?

"Well, you tried to clean my face that I can clearly do on my own AND THEN RIP MY SHIRT. NOW, PLEASE. TELL ME WHY I HATE YOU."

Jungkook wiped under his eye and began to speed-walk back towards the car, nodding his head.


"Where the hell are they?" Min Yoongi softly growled under his breath and checked his watch for the hundredth time.

"Guess I'm gonna have to eat their food or something... Wait," he continued to make conversation with himself.

"What? I'm V's manager. I can't just eat his food. He might be dead!" Yoongi gasped.

And then shrugged.

"Oh, well."

Just as he was about to eat a spoonful of some type of onion-filled soup, the restaurant bells violently shook in an ear-displeasing chorus.

As would anyone, the manager threw his head up to yell at the idiot who ruined his lovely, 3-course meal. He quickly closed his smooth-speaking mouth when he realized who entered.

"V?" Yoongi asked in embarrassment, quickly dropping the spoon back into the bowl, its contents splashing onto his leather jacket.

"Hyung!" the younger answered in gasps.

"Wh-what? I swear- I didn't mean to eat your soup- I just- I-"

"Jungkook is in the car," Taehyung answered.

"Yeah... and?"

"He... isn't gonna eat with us-"

"REALLY?!" Yoongi growled as he stood. One could say many heads occupying the room turned to him in disgust.

"WE'RE HIS SENIORS! HE SHOULD RESPECT AND EAT WITH US WHEN WE ASK HIM TO!!" without answer from the idol, Yoongi angrily stomped towards the restaurant door (bells chiming even harsher than the younger's entrance) and exited.


sad chapter right LOL

anyway I don't rlly have anything else to say so

thanks for reading <3

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