1K 50 94

released: December 8, 2018– 12:00PM Central Time
rating: PG
- mild language
word count: 1147


"So, you're telling me you broke into an animal pound, almost got eaten by a snake, yelled at a bird, and now own three parrots and three dogs?" Yoongi replayed the story to the two as he drove the car down the city streets.

"Well, not the snake part, but yeah," Jungkook nodded and crossed his arms.

"Actually, if I may," Taehyung cleared his throat from the backseat.

"I can swear on my life that, if I stayed any longer around that snake, I would not be conscious right now."

"Just like how you bumped your nose and passed out?" Jungkook sneered, the manager letting out an elongated wheeze at his joke.

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung pouted and looked out the window. He never knew why Jungkook ever began being cocky to him, but he wasn't getting any happier about it. All he knew was that the bodyguard is only a bodyguard. Nothing else. He shouldn't be upset that the younger would call him names or make fun of him.

Because, at the end of the day, it's his job. And if he's not good at his job, then he shouldn't be there in the first place.

"When am I gonna see my pets?" Prince Kim curtly asked as his lips retracted as if he ate a tart lemon.

"After you apologize to Bang, the press and the interviewer who you completely ghosted," Yoongi casually informed the idol.

"But whyyy?" he whined. "I'm always late to interviews and shows!"

"Do you ever completely skip it?" the driver snapped. "Their viewers dropped profusely because people now think they're liars! They were hyping up your visit for days! And you just ghost them like that? They had to cover a news story about roads."

Yoongi turned around, "ROADS."

"Okay! I get it- I messed up," Taehyung blushed in guilt but covered it up with a scoff.

"That's not good enough, brat," Yoongi shook his head and tightened his hands around the steering wheel.

"I could get fired. Jungkook could get fired. Other people in the company could get fired. Even you could get fired, Taehyung.

"It's like you don't even realize what negative effects you have on people-"

"Please. Just stop," the idol whimpered from the backseat, a sniffle following afterwards.

Jungkook pitifully looked back and frowned. Taking a deep breath, he faced forward and readjusted his shirt.

"Where to first?" he asked.

"The company building," Yoongi coldly replied. "We need to talk with Bang and get Taehyung fixed up."

The bodyguard nodded.


"Hey, Taehyung?"

Sitting inside the CEO's office, Jungkook and Taehyung sat in front of the man's desk. Hitman was currently talking to the press outside, and Yoongi sulkily trudged around the building.

It was just the idol and his bodyguard that were left alone together.

"Hm?" Taehyung answered, eyes wandering over his boss's messy desk and ears perked up at the continuous calls coming in through the office phone.

"Are you okay? I know Mr. Min went hard on you earlier..."

"It's no big deal. He's always that way," he paused. "At least to me."

Searching Taehyung's side profile, Jungkook's mind delved into his sharp features. He was entranced from V's bridged nose to his tall eyes. At that moment, nothing could tear him away from the godly beauty radiating off the idol like rays of sunshine or twinkles of stars or gleams of Christmas lights or-


Unfortunately, his daydream was cut short as Taehyung's scrunched orbs stared back at him.

"Sorry. Just thinking," Jungkook looked away and uncomfortably cleared his throat.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and mumbled something about disrespect before speaking up, "Anyways, as I was saying-"

The office door opened suddenly, CEO trailing inside with bodyguards behind himself.

"Hello, boys. Sorry it took so long," Mr. Bang collapsed onto his swivel chair.

"People were wanting to get a statement from Taehyung. Don't worry, though. Some of our spokespeople are out there."

"Wait... So, you're not mad at me?" Taehyung chirped.

"Of course I'm mad at you, Kim," he shook his head and gave a weak smile. "But that doesn't mean I don't love you.

"You're just... like my disobedient son that I need to keep an eye on more than my other kids."

And that crushed Taehyung from the inside out. Was he really just like a 14-year-old teen who wanted to be independent? Did he really need survalliance like that?

"That's why... I'm going to need to step it up a bit," Bang continued. He turned to his personal bodyguard on his left.

"Kang, please escort Mr. Kim to his apartment. I need to speak with Mr. Jeon alone."

"Yes, sir," Bodyguard Kang bowed and made his way over to Taehyung. "Right this way."

Taehyung hesitated but obeyed and followed the man to the doorway.

"I will see you tomorrow, Taehyung," Mr. Bang waved his idol off and motioned for the door to be closed.


Is Jungkook really going to get fired? Because of me? Taehyung thought to himself for the millionth time. He was in his pajamas while lounging on his L-shaped couch, empty ice-cream container on his lap and a drama on the high-definition television.

His new named pets perched themselves around his house; "Yeontan" (the Pomeranian) beside him, "Bitna" (the Shih-tzu) sleeping upon his leather chair, "Yujin" (the Pug) playing with one of Taehyung's shoes in his bedroom, and the three parrots: Miso, Sunja and Haru who were all wandering around the apartment while mumbling different words (like stupid, hello and TaeTae).

"Tannie, what do I do?" he talked to his baby, scratching in between the dog's perked ears.

To which the puppy yipped and readjusted himself so he could snuggle closer to Taehyung's body.

"I mean, Jungkook is super mean. Like, I hate him, you know?" Taehyung sighed.

"I hate to admit it, but... he's kinda funny, I guess. I mean, he's doing his job right, right? Like, he's mean sometimes, but I don't know..."

The idol shook his head and stopped petting his puppy, "It's all my fault. Just forget it. I shouldn't of grown attached to my own bodyguard!

"If I get a new bodyguard... th-that's fine with me. I'll just need to apologize to him or something."

Bitna snorted (almost as if she were making fun of her master) and snored deeper, her ears flipping as she fell upon the left side of her body.

Taehyung smiled at the sight and relished in his new family.

"At least I have you guys..."

He froze.



sorry for the long absence. kinda got really depressed lol. im all better now tho. protein, meditation, sleep and medication help, kids.

anyways, goodbye. hope you liked this chappy <33


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