966 36 84

released: March 16, 2019– 1:30PM Central Time
rating: PG14
- mild language
word count: 1276


pre-apology for any grammar mistakes c:


"You were buying dogs when you could've been at the interview?!"

"I'm so sorry... It just got out of hand—"

"You're supposed to be straightening Taehyung up! But instead you go easy on him? Maybe go to a pet store and purchase the whole thing?"

Obviously, Jungkook didn't include the part about breaking a window and stealing the animals. But, yes, Mr. Bang was right about the first part. Jungkook shook his head and lowered it.

The other man huffed deeply and took off his glasses as sweat began to muster upon his nose.

"I just...," then Mr. Bang started to tear up. "I'm— I'm sorry Jungkook. I didn't mean for you to see me like this..."

Reaching over to the tissues, he wiped his nose with his sleeve and placed his glasses back upon the bridge of his nose.

Jungkook sat awkwardly as the other blew into a tissue and sanitized his hands. He then turned around and faced the bodyguard again.

"I just... worry about the boy sometimes, you know? Taehyung... Taehyung really is like a son to me— I wasn't lying about that. All of my artists are.

"But Taehyung... is just worrying. He's just so radical? Is that the word for it? Wild? Independent?"

He huffed again and folded his hands.

"I need you to toughen up or I'm going to have to fire you, Jungkook. I hope you can understand."

"Yes, sir," Jungkook nodded diligently and plastered a hard look on his face.


knock knock knock


On repeat. For ten minutes already. Taehyung could go lengths no other could go— especially when it dealt with waking up in the morning.

"Open the door!" the sneer shouted from outside the door, barely drowning out the insanity coming from all six animals as they excitedly jumped around.

"Give me five more minutes!" Taehyung groaned; then added a delicate, "Asshole."

"You're gonna wake up your neighbors!"

"I never liked them anyway!"

Jungkook knitted his eyebrows and shook his head. Oh, right! Mr. Bang gave me a copy of his key yesterday, the bodyguard remembered and dug into his pocket until the little savior revealed itself.

He possessed a scarily similar smile to the Joker and proceeded to unlock the door, face lighting up at the sight of the puppies— especially Bitna and Yujin (who currently had a Gucci slipper in her mouth but looked adorable nevertheless).

"Taehyung!" he discarded half-heartedly as he rubbed behind the ears of the pug, shoe instantly falling out of her mouth as if she were a robot.

"Alright! I'm coming!" the prince answered.

Jungkook smiled and chuckled to himself. He abruptly stopped. Mr. Bang's words swirled around his head in agonizing gusts of thoughts, "I need you to toughen up or I'm going to have to fire you."

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