1.2K 62 93

released: October 14, 2018– 1:30PM, Central Time
rating: PG14
- crude language
- extreme injury
word count: 1019

*not edited ʕ'•ᴥ•̥'ʔ* sorry... <3


"You're gonna be on air in just a few, so let me fix it!" Jungkook pleaded, grabbing at the idol's clothes like his life depended on it.

The grey-haired male's body was up against the wall as the bodyguard grabbed to get a grip on him.

Not to mention... it was causing very confused attention from others around the entertainment building.

"No! I won't let you!" Taehyung answered, trying his best to pry the powerful fingers off his dainty shirt.

"Well, you need to!" the younger shouted one last command before the blouse ripped a gash longer than Taehyung's middle finger.

"UGH!! You should've never done that stupid shit in the car in the first place!" the older groaned, sadly pouting at the material in his shaking hands.


just about 10 minutes earlier


Biting into a hotdog, the idol hurriedly wiped under his lip where ketchup was slowly starting to fall. As directed from his private manager (Min Yoongi), they'd stopped for food just a minute ago (mostly because V wouldn't stop whining about how his "tummy was grumbling"), and, already, he was making a mess.

"Use one of these," Jungkook offered as he pulled out a bundle of brand marked napkins.

"No," Taehyung snapped through a mouthful of hotdog pieces spraying everywhere.

He does look cute, though, Jungkook thought to himself as he wiped his pants with the leftover napkins (dipping a few extra between the seats incase Taehyung needed it) and kept a giddy grin inside until the other looked away.

"C'mon, Tae. Your stylist would be mad-"

"Not my problem. He should've come with to the broadcasting place," he childishly crossed his arms after swallowing.

"That's not what the manager ordered-"

"I don't care about my stupid, private manager! Can he fire me? No!" Taehyung spat.

"Now, stop talking to me!"

Frowning, Jungkook leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. He huffed deeply and stretched, a low groan escaping his lips in breathy trails.

Tensing under the sound, the puffy-cheeked elder slowly turned his head to view the voice of the noise, instantly blushing.

A whole pack of six chiseled his bodyguard's stomach, black shirt rolled up just a tad, so his golden skin and deep belly button could be peeking out.

Holy FUCK.

Eyes becoming physically wide, the idol dryly gulped (however, the hotdog seemed to be stuck in his mouth) and frantically looked away. He cleared his throat and pretended like he didn't just see one of The Seven Wonders of the World.

"You okay?" Jungkook spoke up, furrowing his brows at the fidgety nature his higher up was displaying.

V whipped his head back around and calmed under the covering of the other's stomach. He silently nodded his head and looked down towards his feet, finally finishing his lunch.

"Doesn't look like it," the younger continued.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not-"

"I said I am! It's not that deep!" Taehyung squealed.

"Here, look at me," Jungkook stated and reached for the older's chin.

And then the car ran over a GIGANTIC bump on the road.

Ultimately, because of the gravitational levels going whack, Jungkook's head went a little too close to Taehyung.

The top of his head made a b-line towards the idol's face and, under a second later, his brown hair collided into Taehyung's nose.

"OWWWWW!!!" Taehyung screeched, clutching his face.

"Oh, god, Taehyung. I'm so sorry...," Jungkook apologized profusely.

Uncovering his nose, blood was revealed, gushing amounts of red staining his hands and lower face.

"Get me a napkin!!!"

"Oh, r-right," Jungkook nodded and turned back to where the napkins were.

Shit, he thought to himself as an empty vacancy filled where the previous contents were.

Where'd I move them?!

Frantically searching high and low, Jungkook just couldn't seem to find the things for the life of him.

Meanwhile, buckets of bodily liquids kept seeping out of the older's nose. He tried to keep the substances trapped inside himself by pinching his nose and looking up, but lightheadedness fuzzed around his brain.

"J-Jungoo...," he trailed off, eyelids dropping as his gaze followed the male diving his hand into an extremely small crevice.

"Hm?" Jungkook answered as he kept his back to the idol.

"I think I'm fucking dying."

Then, he passed out.




Now, here they were, after Jungkook successfully found napkins, informed the driver/Yoongi of the medical issue and ultimately nursed Taehyung back to somewhat of a health, there was another battle to be won.

"UGH!! You should've never done that stupid shit in the car in the first place!" the older groaned, sadly pouting at the material in his shaking hands.

"Done what? I helped you, and now you just ripped your sh-

"You made my nose DIE! I COULD'VE DIED-"

"No, you couldn't have-"

"Now my body is all stained and my shirt is ripped and my makeup is ruined and my nose hurts and I WANNA GO HOOOOOME!" Taehyung continued to whine, pushing the man off of himself.

"You should've thought about that before resisting my help-"

"This is all your fault!" he crossed his arms and pouted uncontrollably.

"Mine? I didn't even do anything! It was the road's fault- maybe even the drivers-"

"It would've never happened if you didn't-"

He stopped halfway, eyes becoming wide and a faint, pinkish blush dabbed itself on his cheekbones.

Jungkook awkwardly cleared his throat and scratched his hair.

"What? I'm your bodyguard... I'm supposed to... uh, care about you, uhum."

"Well, now look where that went," Taehyung shyly retorted, avoiding the other's sharp gaze.

"Yeah..., sorry."

"It's whatever. Just get me a change of clothes or s-something," Taehyung stalked away towards the bathroom.

"Oh. Okay," Jungkook softly answered as he watched the idol enter into the bathroom.

"I will."


kinda in a writers block for my main story rn so just gonna update y'all w a lil bit of this uwuness

ok have a great day <3

stay healthy!!

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