Chapter 14

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~Your POV~

"What?" Yuri asked.

"Did I stutter?" I said.

"I don't want to lose you too!" He shouted at me. I stood my ground and kept a blank face. He was a bit fazed.

I sighed. "You got 2 minutes. Choose your words wisely Plisetsky."

"Thank you!"

"You're next Altin." I said, crossing my arms and sitting down. He gulped and sat down.

"So. For starters, I'm bi. And next, I met Otabek ever since the banquet. Third, I ended up making out with him. Four-"

"The truth." I forced out of Yuri.

He gulped then sighed. "Okay, um, I ended up sleeping with him."

"YOU WHAT?! Okay okay, give me a minute. Not literally." I took some cola from the fridge and chugged it all down. "Really. Hey Otabek?"

"Hmm?" Otabek looked at me.

"Was he good?" I asked, planning to tease Yuri to death for revenge.

Otabek blushes but I winked and he got it, fortunately. "Oh he was."

Yuri blushed and looked away from the two of us.

"Oh really? How long?" I asked.

"Hmm, I think a 6." Otabek pondered. "Yeah, 5 and a half."

"Woah! He's that small?"


"Can you two please stop talking about my dick?" Yuri sighed in annoyance. Otabek smirked.

"Well maybe if you weren't such an asshole in deciding to come out to me that you're bi by kissing Altin, then maybe I would stop." I smiled sweetly and  innocently, but my eyes told the opposite. I stood up and left, leaving the two to have a possible make out session. As I went in the bathroom, I sat down in the bathtub, putting my earphones in and listening to some music from some musicals.

"How does a rag tag volunteer army in need of a shower, somehow defeat a global superpower?" I sang along to the song. "How do we emerge victorious from the quagmire? Leave the battlefield waving Betsy Ross's flag higher."

As I sang the song and rapped in the parts where the singer rapped, my thoughts slowly drifted away and focused on singing.

"Sir he knows what to do in the trench, ingenuitive and fluent in French I mean." I rapped. "Sir you're gonna have to use him eventually, what's he gonna do on the bench I mean."

I heard a slight knock on the door but I ignored it.

"No one has more resilience or matches my practical tactical brilliance." I continued.

Suddenly, the door came down.


"VIKTOR?!" I yelled.

"I need my right hand man back." He continued the song.

The song kept playing.

"You're gonna have to put some thought into the letter. But the sooner the better to get your right hand man back!" Viktor rapped.

I hesitantly paused the song and just stared blankly at him. "Viktor..."

He looked at me with a confused look.

"Do you... have a secret rap career?" I asked cautiously. He shrugged. "Dunno."

"Viktor? You can rap?" Yuuri asked from the doorframe. I nodded and Viktor shrugged. Yuuri shrugged as well and went back to who knows where he came from.

"Uhh..." Viktor took a deep breath.

Oh no

"Summa lumma dumma lumma you assuming I'm a human." Viktor rapped along to the song that was currently playing from my phone. Rap God...

I blankly stared at him with my mouth slightly agape (get it?) .

This might be the worst and best break up ever.

Now, time to see what Plistesky will do as a way to get me back.

Sorry for the short chapter guys! Exams are coming up and I need to study lah. 😂😂😂 But I'll do my best to update. Exams are next week lololol. G luck to meh and good luck to those who have stuff to deal with. Or good luck to life in generalllllll. Pfft lol

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