Chapter 16

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~Otabek's POV~

Honestly, I've never meant for this to happen.

I have never meant to go to Japan just to be kissed by Yuri.

I have never meant for Y/N and him to break up.

I have never expected myself to return Yuri's kiss.

I fucked up...

~Your POV~

As I was fixing my hair, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Yuri hesitantly walked in and closed the door. "Are you really going to go on a date with barista boy? I mean, it's not like he's really the one for you."

"Well, yes and no. Yes, I'm going on a date with him. And no, he may not really be the one for me, but that's why there's such thing as 'trial-and-error', dear."

I turned around after fixing my hair. "Besides, I can do what I want now that we aren't together anymore."

I stood up and checked my phone. "He's already downstairs. Bye~!"

I quickly made my way downstairs and waved at Jax.

"Hey, Y/N! Are you ready?" He asked me, extending his hand.

"Aye aye captain", I said, taking his hand. We walked away from the place while laughing and chatting.

~t i m e s k i p~

"Y/N, I know that I've said this before, but I love you. So much. It's been a year. Time flew by so quickly. Please, tell me, do you feel the same way? Forget about Yuri, or anyone! The only one you need is me. The only one I need is you. We need each other, we belong to each other. Y/N, will you marry me?"

What will you choose?

A. Yes, I'll marry you

B. I need to think about it, I'm sorry

C. I've made a mistake, forgive me

Once you've made your choice, just go to the chapter with the letter you've chosen. Thanks!

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