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Bumblebee and Raf arrived at the Base just hours later. Bumblebee transformed, carefully holding Halo in his hand. The other Autobots looked at them. Jack and Miko went over to Raf.

"Hey Raf." Jack said.

"Thank goodness you're alright!" Miko cheered.

"Alright guys." Raf said calmly. "Right now... We need to get Halo some help."

"What happened?" Jack asked.

Raf sighed. "She hit her head pretty hard..."

Jack nodded and called his mom, June Darby. Meanwhile, a white and orange medical bot was intrigued by what he saw.

"Hmm..." He said with intrigue. "Interesting."

"What is it Ratchet?" Asked a blue and red bot.

"Her head injury... The blood she bleeds is... Energon."

"Energon?" Jack and Miko said.

Ratchet nodded. "Yes, but the strange thing is... it that she's human. I need to look into her records to know more."

A blue female bot looked at her. "The strange thing I see is the fact she has blue hair."

Jack chuckled. "Some humans like to dye their hair in crazy colors Arcee, but... We never really knew why Halo's hair was always that icy blue..."

Arcee looked at the red and blue bot. "What should we do now Optimus?"

Optimus Prime, the Autobots' leader, thought for a moment. He then looked at Arcee.

"We shall let June tend to her head wound. In the meantime, Ratchet will look into Halo's records to figure out why she appears the way she is."

Everyone nodded. June arrived minutes later and tended to her wounds with care. After that, June left with a goodbye and went back to her home.

Halo woke up. She looked around, dazed and confused.

"Where am I...?" She thought.

Halo put her hand on her head, feeling bandages on it. She looked around again, then saw her friends. She sighed with relief and smiled.

"Hey guys..."

Raf smiled kindly. "Hey Halo."

Jack and Miko also gave a wave hello. Halo, Jack, Miko, and Raf were having a simple conversation about what happened. Meanwhile, Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Arcee, and two other Autobots were at a different part of the base.

"What reports do you have on Halo?" Optimus asked.

"Halo Cross. The reports I found tell me her mother was a police officer and her father was a scientist. A mad one apparently." Ratchet replied.

"Boo ba beep? (A mad scientist?)"

"Yes Bumblebee. After Halo's mother died while on duty, her father went insane and created experiments on innocent people. The results were... destructive and gruesome."

Ratchet showed pictures of Halo's father's experiments. Each individual experiment went from simple lethal injections to gruesome chemical burns and genetic mutations.

"During his mad scientist excursions, he chose Halo to become another one of his experiments. He found Energon crystals 9 years ago and wanted to see if a human, if modified properly, could take it as a substitute to blood. I have the footage of this past experiment with her."

Ratchet pulled up the video. It was of a man at the age of 30, his 10 year old daughter pinned on an operating table.

"Alright..." Said the man. "Video Journal 1910, Experiment Number 108, Operation Hybrid."

"Operation Hybrid?" Arcee asked.

Ratchet paused the video. "Operation Hybrid, in her father's reports, was what he thought was a failure. After realizing what he did, he committed suicide via overdose 2 days later."

A green Autobot cringed. "That's terrible."

Ratchet continued. "It is Bulkhead, but Halo survived the experiment, but... at a price. The inside of her body, her internal organs, and her bones became metal. Her blood now became Energon. Her hair and eyes also changed color, which results to her icy blue hair and bright blue eyes."

"What was her original appearance?" Asked a white, blue, and red bot.

"Blonde hair and light green eyes."

Optimus gave a saddened look. "A human child like her should never have experienced this... Especially from her own father..."

Bulkhead nodded. "I agree... Why would someone go that far?"

Ratchet spoke. "It was because a human like him had a habit that could never be broken."

The Autobots looked over at Halo. For some reason, she was able to hide her emotions so well...

Halo's secret's now been known...

Transforming Life (Transformers Fan-Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora