Keystone Motel part 2

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“Ruby broke the pool .” Steven frowned when he walked into the small room. 

“... I’ll go speak with her, go wash up for bed.” (Y/n) sighed, patting his damp hair. He nods as they walk out of the room, right in the gated pool- they heard the sound of angry mumbles. 

“Enjoying the swim?” I asked as I looked into the waterless pool and saw the short red gem pacing around. Steam fills the air around them. 

“It’s fusion, (Y/n)!” Ruby shouts. “It’s like Sapphire doesn’t even care! And we’re supposed to be the bigger gem about this?” She questioned. “We’re alllllways!- the bigger gem! Well not time- not- about- this!” Ruby shouts as she continues her pacing and rants. 

“Ruby-” (Y/n) began but Ruby continued to yells. 

“It’s like she doesn’t care about my feelings on this!” Ruby huffs. 

“Of course she cares-” (Y/n) said. 

“Am I not allowed to feel angry about this-” Ruby shouts as she throws her arms up in the air. 

“Ruby.” (Y/n) says loudly, their tone catching their tone and stops her pacing only to look up at them sitting at the edge of the pool. “Sapphire cares, but she’s been in the spot of leader for so long- that maybe she thinks if she shows too much emotion then the others won’t respect her- or see her as the strong gem that she is.” Ruby sighed. 

“... but she shouldn’t neglect how she really feels.” Ruby said, more worried- no, more angry that her love was going through something like this. 

“When we get back- you two should talk.” (Y/n) suggested. Ruby was going to retort that they have been talking, but (Y/n) held her hand up to her. “Talk. Not you yelling and her not speaking her mind. You need to settle down and she needs to let down her walls.” 

Ruby sighed and nodded, climbing up the pool stairs and taking a seat next to (Y/n). Looking up at the sky she frowned at the stars. Ruby glances over to (Y/n), remembering the time she asked Garnet to check for monsters under her bed and in her closet. She remembers the time she was a protector for them but now they were her protector. 

“You’ve grown up.” Ruby said.

(Y/n) sighed, but nodded. 

After settling down and Greg bringing square pizza, making Steven question the sanity of this state. All five of them went to bed, Steven and Greg sharing a bed while (Y/n) slept in the other one- Ruby wanting to sleep on top of the van and Sapphire laying in bed with (Y/n). 

The small blue gem plays with (Y/n)’s (h/c) hair, remembering the times she would play with their hair while they slept when they were smaller. While Pearl would watch Steven sleep, Sapphire had formed the habit of playing with (Y/n)’s hair- this also helped them sleep. 

Looking down at their peaceful face, she smiled and because of a habit she looked into their future. 

A future in where they continue their gem training and fighting- in the end they stand by Steven and the others. Steven aged with gray hairs, but they look the same, maybe a bit more filled out in some areas. 

Another future in where they leave with Obsidian and doesn’t return- Sapphire shakes her head at that future. Not enjoying it. 

A future in where (Y/n) rules Homeworld. They looked tired and angry- hair was longer and their clothes were like a high titled Queen/King. 

The other futures were of them dying, Sapphire sighed and stopped her looking. Their futures were so different when they were younger. Filled with laughter and life- now she was lucky to see one or two happy endings. 

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