Friendship and Injures

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Peridot is seen carrying around pieces of the broken warp pad and pilling them together. 

“Stupid broken warp. First, the communication Hub, ugh… now this is broken again-” Peridot mumbles as she forms her fingers into a touch screen. “These crystal gems are a menace.” She pouts. 

Right as she says this a nearby warp pad activates, glowing a bright light warning Peridot the arrival of Steven, (Y/n), and the gems- startling Peridot. 

“Oh, aha!” Pearl smiles as she points at Peridot. “Look! I was right, my plan worked perfectly!” Pearl stated, happy something was going her way. 

“Good morning!” Steven greeted, waving. (Y/n) yawns and leans their body on Amethyst- making the short purple gem chuckle. (Y/n) didn’t need to sleep- not anymore, but the feeling of a mindless slumber was one they couldn’t part with. 

“What?! How did you know I was here?” Peridot glared. 

“We found a secret way to track you, and we’ll never tell you how- even if you ask nicely.” Steven taunts Peridot, sticking out his tongue at her. 

“Peridot! We’re here to-” Garnet began, but was cut off by Pearl interrupting her. 

“And you’ll never get away with it!” Pearl said, wrongly completing Garnet’s sentence. 

“Don’t you gems have anything better to do than annoy me?!” Peridot shouts. 

“Nope,” Amethyst punches her fist into her palm. “We’re gonna-” 

“Prepare to be annoyed!” Pearl says over Amethyst- interrupting her. 

“Ugh, I don’t have time for this!” Peridot groans, forming a blaster with her fingers and generates a small energy ball. “This plant has an expiration date and I’m not gonna stick around to find out when!” Peridot fires the energy shot, but the force of the blast knocks Peridot over. The shot misses the gems, but hits a nearby pillar- causing it to fall over. 

“Ah!” Pearl gasps. 

Steven summons his shield and protects the group from the falling debris. (Y/n) was fast enough to jump away, landing a yard away from Peridot. However, something caught their attention on what Peridot had said earlier. 

“What did you mean by an expiration date?” (Y/n) asked. They run towards her, who is still laying on the ground from the blast. However, before they could get to her- Pearl turns around and glares at Peridot, who is ready to aim her blaster at the group. Peridot chuckles. 

“That’s it! I’m taking her out!” Pearl charges towards Peridot. 

“Pearl, no!- Wait!” (Y/n) and Garnet shouted for the skinny gem to stop, but Peridot fired a tractor beam at Pearl in retaliation, immobilizing her entirely. 

“Ha! Sorry, but you’re going the wrong way!” Peridot laughs as she swings Pearl around and throws her away, causing her to collide into Steven and thus causing his shield to disappear. 

“No!” (Y/n) shouts, if the debris lands on them the gems will poof but Steven could die. Running towards them they were glad that Garnet could hold up the fallen pillar. (Y/n) checking over them to see if they were okay, Garnet nods to them signaling that she was fine. They look over to Pearl, who had landed on top of Steven. 

“Get her!” Garnet shouts to Amethyst. The purple gem nods and charges at Peridot, using her spin dash attack. Peridot jumps and dodges out of the way, causing Amethyst to crash into the pile of rubble Peridot was piling up earlier. Popping out of the pile and shaking off the dust, growling. Peridot tauntingly scuttles away by using her fingers as a small helicopter. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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