Chapter 15

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For the next two days Constance was too full of excitement to stand still. So much so that even Miss Nutcombe noticed from her perminant residence in the mansion's library.

Constance kept pacing back and forth in her room, often she visited the garden and even tried hiking around the local trails but was stopped by Miss Nutcombe at her every attempt. Not that she ever got many chances to search the area. Even as a child.

That was how on the morning of the prearranged visit she ended up laying on her bed staring into the white ceiling. It was probably the only thing that wouldn't get on the elder woman's nerves. Con kept observing the small cracks in the paint and tried to see figures in them. The action seemed to calm her down a bit as she went back to her latest thoughts.

She still had loads of unanswered. questions in her life. She still wondered about Regulus Black or Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore. Even Deidra left unsolved questions for the girl. Actually Constance's whole life seemed to be made out of one big question mark. Beside all that there was the life long question of her parents. Eventhough she had abandoned that question a long time ago when she found Ray and Mrs. Remy, who in a way filled those positions, however she still thought every now and then of what could have been.

Would she have been different if she had known her parents?

"Konstantia! Come down this instant! We've got guests on the way for Merlin's sake," Miss Nutcombe, as strictly as always, yelled from what sounded like the hallway beneath the stairs.

Constance jumped up and smoothed a few of the wrinkles on her clothes before scrambling down stairs. She couldn't believe what was about to happen.

She stopped just next to Miss Nutcombe near the front door, which the woman opened after taking a deep breath. Was she nervous?
Constance didn't get to see for she soon came face to face with a familiar plump looking woman and tall man. As soon as she locked eyes with the Remys she couldn't help but want to hug them much to Miss Nutcombe's disliking. Then again Constance had never been too good at obeying the woman's orders.

"Oh," Mrs. Remy laughed in shock of the hug. But that didn't last too long as she took a step back noticing the third guest entering the room. The guest that reminded her of the anger she was feeling towards the Remys for holding back a secret so big from her. However she was ready to listen to them. She was sure their reasons were justifiable.

The guest or rather Ronald Remy looked wild as one might say. His brown hair reached his shoulders in small waves. Like Ray he was extremely tall, but that wasn't what caught the girl's attention. A big scar stretched on his face. Drawing itself on his right brow leaving out his eye and continuing just underneath it before streching across his nose to the right side of his face. And eventhough the scar was not bright red like newly made gashes usually were it still seemed to bring out his light brown eyes. Eyes Constance knew quite well for Mrs. Remy had the same ones. The only word Constance could think of was yet again wild.

However Constance wasn't the only one studying the newcomer. He was also observing her. That was until Mrs. Remy coughed as if to remind Ronald of something.

Insted Constance spoke first knowing Miss Nutcombe was probably burning holes into her back at the moment for being impolite. "Constance Foster. You must be Ronald Remy?" she said and extended her hand.

"Call me Ronnie," he smiled at that. A smile that had probably caught much attention back in the days but now seemed to be slightly painful.

"Well, I think it'd be best to start preparing dinner," Mrs. Remy announced taking a few bags she brought along to the kitchen. It was still early in the afternoon, however Constance knew Mrs. Remy never threw away time when it came to food. Especially on Christmas Eve, which was actually on that day.

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