Chapter 12

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It was the students last night at Hogwarts as they ate in the Great Hall, which was wonderfully decorated in the Christmas spirit.
And not only that, everyone seemed to be in a festive mood as they conversed about the holidays and their upcoming plans, which was what Vince, Con and Maurice were doing too.

"Grandpa said he has a big surprise for us this year. Like seeing a dragon wasn't enough." Vince gave a slight eyeroll before continuing." Even Millicent is coming home. Apparently she's bringing this new guy with her," Vincent kept describing what he and Julie received in their letters from their parents. At the mention of his older sister's possible boyfriend he only rolled his eyes. "I already agreed with grandpa. If the boy ain't good, he'll get burnt by wood."

The last sentence left the boy smirking and looking at blank space probably imagining whatever crazy plan he and his grandfather made. The idea made Maurice and Constance exchange worried glances.

"You are not going to throw him down the chimney into the fire, right?" Maurice asked.

"Or put hot coal in his stockings or socks?" the girl asked.

"Of course not," Vince waved it off, which made his fellow Hufflepuffs sigh in relief. "That would be far too boring. No. We shall see whether he is right for this family or not. You'll see..."

"Glad I'm not a part of your family," Maurice murmured before pushing a fork into his mouth.

"What was that?" Vince suddenly asked breaking out of his evil scheme daydreaming.

"I'm saying this potato's real good," Maurice mumbled with his mouth stuffed with food.

"Huh, "Vince shrugged. "What about you Con? Any speacial plans?"

Constance looked up from her plate,"Not really. The only thing different from the past years is that Miss Nutcombe apparently gave the Remys a free holiday for Christmas. Although she did that last year too."

"Maybe they have a grudge against Santa?" Vince asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Doubtful. Ray loves Christmas and so does Mrs. Remy. They had always spent Christmas at our house, but since last year they seem to have changed their tradition. And they won't even tell me, what or where they were. They always tell me everything,"Constance sighed.

"I'm sure they have a good reason," Maurice tried to calm the girl.

As quickly as she voiced her worries the worried facial expression disappeared. Simply shrugging off the whole thing as she turned the conversation around.

"What about you Rice? Still playing Quidditch on Christmas?"

"When have we ever not?" then boy smirked."My cousin Leslie and my aunt are coming. And Leon apparently has a surprise for us. He probably just bought new Qudditch gear. He works in a Quudditch store anyway."

Maurice's father was a muggle, who left the family when Maurice was only 5 years old. But the boy never seemed to show his hurt over that, eventhough Constance thought she saw a glimpse of anger or sadness at the mention of fathers. But she understood that feeling. Maurice's mother however was an amazing and strong woman from what Constance gathered. She got along without a man splendidly.

"This should be a fun Christmas."


Unlike before there were no sun rays to wake Constance yet she still ended up getting up early. This time because of a different reason. Slowly as the girl was waking she felt a gentle touch on her arm. Someone was lightly shaking her as they whispered," Miss Foster. Constance. Wake up."

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