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jimin stared at yoongi's back as he walked away before going on his own path to the dance studios. when he walked in, it was surprisingly loud. wait no, someone was surprisingly loud. there was a boy with light brown hair. he was laughing loudly with a really tall boy, his mouth forming a small heart. they were the loudest people in the room but no one seemed to pay any mind.

maybe this is a natural thing..?

"hey! newbie!" the loud male beckoned jimin over, to which jimin reluctantly approached them. "what's your name?"

"uhh park jimin."

"cool! i'm hoseok and this is moonbin." the tall boy waved, a kind smile on his face. "are you a freshman?" jimin sheepishly scratched he back of his neck, a habit of his. "uh yeah. please treat me well," he bowed slightly. hoseok laughed and laced an arm around the younger boy's shoulders. "no need to be so uptight! we're all friends here."

jimin chuckled nervously, he wasn't really good at meeting new people. it was a surprise to him that he had warmed up to yoongi so quickly. something about the male just seemed so.. familiar. jimin didn't know how to describe it. hoseok continued to talk to him, explaining the basics and whatnot.

"this class is really chill so you can honestly do whatever you want we long as you're moving. every friday we perform in front of the class so you have to prepare for that. there are lots of dance studios down the hall so you can just take your pick. oh! and in 2 months there's this big event coming up where students majoring in music and performing arts work together and perform for the school. it's really cool."

jimin nodded. music? isn't that what yoongi hyung is majoring in? i recall him mentioning composing or something. maybe i should ask him later.

"well i gotta go," hoseok said. "if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. i'll see you around, jimin!" jimin waved and said goodbye as hoseok walked into one of the separate studios. since he didn't really know anyone else in the room, jimin decided to quietly slip out and find an empty studio. luckily he found one at the end of the hallway. he stepped inside and placed his duffel bag on the clean, white, floor. he grabbed his speaker and connected his phone, scrolling through his playlist for a song to dance to. to be honest, jimin wasn't that good at choreographing his own dances, but for the sake of his grades, he decided to try.

jimin decided on 'i like me better' by 'lauv' and set his phone down on top of his speaker. he started to dance freely in front of the large mirror, mustering any move that he could think of. when the song ended, jimin stared at himself in the mirror, jumping when he saw somebody at the door behind him. the male had periwinkle dyed hair and was waving at jimin through the door's window. awkwardly, jimin opened the door.

"um, hello?"

"hey! i'm soonyoung. sorry for scaring you. but i was wondering if i could share the room with you? all the other ones are taken."

"oh uh sure, i don't mind." jimin moved aside and let the boy inside. he had a cute 10:10 eyesmile that rivalled jimin's, and a really energetic tone in his voice. "i saw you dance. you were really good! what's your name?" "oh, i'm jimin, nice to meet you." he shyly scratched the back of his neck, flustered that soonyoung had watched him.

"was that a freestyle dance?"


"nice! i like to choreograph dances, it's kind of a hobby of mine," the male grinned, setting up his side of the room. "do you know hoseok?"

"oh yeah, he told me how things work around here."

"apparently we're allowed to pick partners or be in groups of three on performance fridays. and well, i was thinking, since you're really good and i want to get to know you more, do you want to work together?"

jimin was quite surprised. he was never really asked to be anyone's partner before, not even in partner assignments. his eyes lit up in excitement.


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