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a few weeks had passed and jimin and yoongi were starting to adjust to their university life. yoongi was always exhausted from working so whenever he came home really late, jimin would prepare him some food to eat before he went to bed. in return, yoongi would help him with his homework and do their laundry. they got along fairly well except for the occasional argument on who should do what and who gets to use the bathroom first.

jimin was good at giving yoongi his space and figuring out how the older was feeling. how he could tell? yoongi could never understand. he was on the bus ride home from work at his normal time at 1:30 am. when he turned on his phone, it suddenly buzzed with multiple texts.

from stupid shortie
> hyung are you on your way home?
> i made some fried rice
> it's in the fridge if you want some
> thx for doing the laundry yesterday. i folded the clothes and left them on your bed
> i'm tired so i'll go to bed now
> night hyung ! :)
read 1:36 am

yoongi grinned to himself and typed in a reply while getting off the bus.

to stupid shortie
> i just got off the bus.
> thanks for the food and clothes
> goodnight.

he maneuvered his way to the dorms with only the campus' dim lights to guide him. when he finally arrived at their dorm, yoongi unlocked the door and quietly walked inside, careful not to be too noisy. he took off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack, also taking off his shoes. yoongi walked into the kitchen and looked at jimin who was peacefully asleep on his bed. his silver hair fell over his eyes in such an angelic way that yoongi couldn't help but be momentarily entranced.

he shook his head and sighed, grabbing the rice from inside the fridge. after heating up and eating his food, yoongi placed his bowl in the sink and walked into the bathroom to wash up. feeling refreshed and exhausted, yoongi got into bed and shut his eyes, falling into peaceful slumber.

the next day was a school holdiay so the latter was more than happy to sleep in past 12pm. when he opened his eyes, jimin was no longer around. he opened his phone and read the message jimin left for him.

from stupid shortie
> hey in case you need me i'll be at practice

yoongi sighed and put down his phone. jimin had been going to practice a lot lately, leaving him alone at the dorms. whenever the other wasn't at practice, he was either with taehyung or out with his dance partner, soonyoung. although he would never admit it, yoongi felt a little lonely, he wanted to spend time with jimin too. without thinking, he opened his phone again and pressed on jimin's number, waiting for him to answer the call. only when jimin actually picked up is when yoongi realized what he was doing.

"hyung? why are you calling? do you need something?" he was panting. "i.. uhh.." jimin remained silent as if he was waiting for yoongi to continue. "okay, i actually have no idea why i called.." yoongi chuckled nervously. "who's that?" someone in the background spoke, footsteps coming closer to the phone. "my roommate," jimin replied. yoongi felt a painful tug at his heart.

he didn't even bother to mention my name?

"well uhh.. if you don't have anything to say, i have to get back to practice," jimin started.

"wait!" 'yoongi what the hell are you doing?' the older male shook his head.

"i was wondering.. do you want to work with me for that showcase coming up soon?"

jimin's eyes widened while soonyoung looked at him in curiosity. "yeah, sure?" yoongi was silent for a few seconds before saying, "okay cool. great call, see you later bye!" he ended the call, leaving jimin dumbfounded. "what the heck just happened?" soonyoung wondered.

"i have no idea."

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