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"Hello everybody! As you can tell by all of the shouting, I am your new president! As I promised in my campaign speech I plan to make the state of Aeristar (Air-is-tar) a peaceful and friendly place one again, by driving out all of these terrorists!" The new president, Clarence Crawford, said into the microphone at an event in one of the most terrorist populated states in the USA.


I heard a loud explosion and Immediately began to run, I saw "him", some demon looking creature with horns. I turned around to run away from him, as I was I saw some strange shadow fly past me in the direction of the... creature. As I was running I was cut off by an explosion that threw me inside of a building through a fourth floor window. I was in excruciating pain and my left arm was covered in slices and blood, along with the floor being soaked in blood, there were about 5 bleeding people on the same floor as me. I struggled to get myself off of the floor,  after I finally managed to get up I ran over to one of them to try to help them. As I arrived to them I could tell it was one of my best friends, Jake Sky, he looked at me and passed me a combat knife.

"Please, help..... me...... Kane...... my... leg.. is.. broken.. we need.. to get... out.. of.. here." Jake said between heavy gasps for air, I haven't clue what happened to him that made him have such a hard time catching his breath. I picked him up and set hm against a wall to where he was sitting down against it. I began to search the supply room on this floor to find some way out of here, I found a wood planks long enough to cross to the next door building, my truck was just around the corner from that building. I walked over to the window in the direction of the vehicle and smashed a window with the plank, just before laying it down like a bridge.

I ran over to get Jake, as I grabbed him and helped him walk across the bridge I saw some strange man, holding out his hand, with multiple small blades made from scrap metal flying at some strange man who seemed to be controlling fire.

The man who had his hand out must have sensed us or something, because he turned around and launched blades at me and Jake just as we got off the bridge, I got me and Jake out of the way of almost all of them, the only two we couldn't dodge were strangely glowing blue, one hit Jake's broken leg, and one in my right arm. I pulled mine out after getting us to cover, Jake did the same.

"Wait, Kane, my leg, it is better, it doesn't even hurt. I don't know what happened but let's get out of here while I can still run, we can figure it out later." Jake said to me.

"Alright, my truck is just over there." I said as I pointed across the street to a bakery that I had parked in front of.

We ran over and down a fire escape that was on the side of the building we were on. As we arrived to the truck it seemed as if we were undetected, hopefully we were. As I got in and turned the key, it didn't work, I tried again, it didn't work, 8 more times, nothing, I moved quick to check the engine. As I opened the hood I saw a cut wire that cane from the battery, I ran to the trunk and grabbed a spare wire that I had for the purpose of making repairs. I put it between the cut portions of wire and taped them together using electrical tape. I had Jake turn the key nothing, I asked him to try again, after I grabbed and adjusted the wire that connected to the battery. As my hand came in contact with the battery I felt a jolt in my arm though, I disregarded it as it was likely just my imagination.

"Jake try again." I said and the car turned on.

I ran and got into the driver's seat just before driving me and Jake out of their, I brought him to his home and dropped him off, telling him to be safe. I then drove home and went inside, it was late, and I was tired from what happened today, so I went into my room and tried to fall asleep, but to no avail.

The Guardians Of AeristarWhere stories live. Discover now