A New Foe Strikes

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   I finally managed to master my powers after many months of training, I also remade my suit, it is an orange and black cloak sort of suit, with a sort of rubber mouth cover, and a mechanical scanner that is put over one of my eyes, the part in front of my eye however is made of glass, and I can use it to scan anything I need to, it also works as a method of communicating with my team. I also have a sort of gauntlet with a grappling hook and a sort of spike to plug into a device to hack. One day however something went wrong, I walked outside of my chamber while Luke Warm and Reaper were both out on missions just to see what seemed to be shadow like roots sprouting through the ceiling.

 I tried to contact Luke Warm or Reaper but our satellites seemed to not be working right, the root things must have damaged those as well. I had to figure this out for myself, while I was trying to contact them the roots grew more. I knew that if I didn't do something fast they would end up growing too much and destroying our base, I drew my sword and attempted to slash off a root but the moment I came into contact with it the thing exploded knocking me down, my sword went flying and stabbed into a wall. 

Through the dust and smoke I saw Dread drop down with an army and someone else, this wasn't one of his typical goons, this extra person seemed to have a wolf looking mask on, I could barely see the silhouette of them. I saw Dread blow open Reaper's door and run inside while the army took positions and drew a mix of melee weapons and guns, while the wolf looking one came to me as some dark claws appeared out of his fingers.

 The smoke began to clear as he grabbed me by my throat and threw me into a wall where I was then grabbed by other goons, Immediately afterward I saw Dread come out with a strange device in his hand.

“ I will give you 5 seconds to let me go, or else you will regret it. ” I said calmly to the wolf masked man. 

“ Or else what? ” He responded in an oddly familiar voice. 

“5...4...3...2… one last chance.” I replied.

Claws appeared on his hands again.

“ Ok have it your way. ” I said just before creating an electrical explosion, killing many goons and just knocking the others to the ground. The two holding me were incinerated, I then looked and saw Dread leaving and going into what looked like...no…. Impossible, it was a savior co. lander. A sort of high tech fighter/cargo jet/spaceship.

The lander took off before I could get to it, I turned around and went to the wolfman who was still on the ground from the electrical blast. I grabbed him and held a gun to his head. “Any last words?” I asked.

“AnY lAsT wOrDs” He responded, just before he turned into smoke and was gone. This can’t be good, if Dread is working with savior co. and has located our base… they are definitely going to send an army of robots any time soon, we have to go fast. But what if he already got to Luke Warm and Reaper, I need to try to get in contact with them first. I don’t have much time, I need to act fast or we could all be in danger, I ran into my part of the base and immediately grabbed my scanner. Putting it on I immediately pressed the button to scan for the location of the others in the country, I set it up as a method of saving them in case they got captured. It sent back their positions, but something was wrong, they were both inside of savior co. 

No… no wonder they were gone for so long, they got captured. I have to go and rescue them.

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