The Fall of Savior Co.

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I climbed slightly up and out of the vents just to see that I was down the hall from Jake, I ran up to him and saw that he was looking through a vent in the floor, it led down to the holding cells, one of which had Luke Warm held inside of it. 

“Where is Reaper?” I asked him.

“Didn’t you get my message, I hid him in a room where no-one will find him, he is far too damaged to make this mission, we can get him on our way out. Now, I have a plan, I saw while running your simulation that your powers are more powerful than you have realized. It will help us getting into here, I will explain more about it later, but for now, all I will tell you is this, you have the ability to use electricity to basically shift your form into a spark, allowing you to travel through outlets. Now you are going to need to use that power to go through there and travel to Luke Warms cell, break the machine on his arms that are stopping his powers from working after that I will release the lock on the cells and anyone who was trapped there will be free, during that mess is when we will make our grand escape.” he said pointing at an open outlet in the wall.

“Okay, but you and Luke Warm will go get Reaper and go, I have something I want to do,” I responded, we both nodded and I used my powers to get into Luke Warms cell. When I got in I overloaded the device on his wrists, allowing him to use his powers again. As I did this however I saw Jake drop down from the ceiling nearby a control panel on an elevated platform in the middle of the room. 

“Breakout beginning in three….two……. Gooooooo!” I heard Jake say as the laser fields in the doors on the cells shut down.

“Go, with Jake, or Shadow Claw, I snapped him out of the brainwashed state he was in, he will go get Reaper and then you guys need to get out… I have something to go do,” I said to Luke Warm as Jake jumped down, I ran up and zipped through an outlet to get nearby the main reactor that keeps Savior co. functional.  Just as I opened up the door to the reactor room, I was met by an explosion that threw me back and damaged the door, it isn't closing again any time soon. Dread stepped out of the door and looked me in the eyes.

“Really? You took my second in command, but yet you trusted that robot…. Foolish idiot, Reaper works for me now… you two didn't rescue him in time. With the push of this button, Reapers programming will be updated and he will fight against all of you villains.” He said as he lifted up a wireless device with a big red button on it.

“Not on my watch he won't!” I said as I shot my grappling hook at it and pulled it to me. As I got it in my hand Dread made another explosion, slamming me into a wall and making me drop the remote. He was just about to grab it as I zapped him and then kicked him away from it.

“You will leave him alone,” I said and then kicked him again. I then drew my gun and shot the device, “Now, OUT OF MY WAY!” I kicked him out of the doorway and made my way to the control panel for the reactor.

I was surprised when I saw that next to the panel was the device that Dread had taken from the base. I grabbed it and then I zapped the control panel, overloading it and putting the reactor into a critical state. Just as I did this however as I zapped the panel Dread blasted me away from it.

“Drop the hypersphere, NOW!” He shouted at me.

“Oh, do you mean this?” I said as I lifted up the device, as he looked at it I shot a lightning bolt at him.

I heard from the speakers of the building, however, stopping my moment of joy, “Warning, all personnel please evacuate the building, the reactor has reached a critical state and the building will be self-destructing in 10 seconds. I shot another bolt of electricity at Dread to keep him down, and began running for the exit when I got to the nearest outlet I was about to zip into it when a strange handle was put in front of my neck and was pulled back,” You have the second hypersphere, you are coming with me.” I heard a man behind me say, but this voice was most definitely not Dread.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? 

The man pulled me back and then shoved me forward as a portal to somewhere appeared, I fell to the ground on the other side of the portal.

What is so special about this machine, and is it even worth it.

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